Business Blog: 5 Reasons You Need One
The Benefits of a Business Blog
If writing a business blog doesn't come easily to you, you might hate doing it. Or maybe you simply don't have the time to write blogs and still run your business. But if you keep putting blogging on the back shelf, you're missing out on a huge opportunity for your business. Here are 5 reasons why.
1. Educating and Informing Prospects
A business blog is an online platform different from any others. It gives you a chance to educate your prospects and give them information that will help them know you and know what your business offers. It lets you speak directly to your prospect and be seen as helpful as well as trustworthy.
When you use your business blog to educate your prospects, it demonstrates that you understand their needs and concerns. It also demonstrates that you are not just trying to sell them something. It shows that you care.
On the other hand, if your business blog isn’t engaging or if you keep running out of ideas of what to write about, it can damage your position as an authority in your field.
2. Demonstrating That You’re Trustworthy
Your business blog can demonstrate that you are trustworthy, much more quickly than sales copy or advertising. When you regularly post your blog and consistently provide value, they will come to depend on you and look forward to your next blog.
Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Sporadically publishing your blog or not staying clear in your efforts to educate and provide value, lets prospects now you can’t be depended on.
3. Search Engine Optimization
When you publish a new blog with the right type and number of keywords and in the format search engines prefer, you’ll make your website easier to find when someone uses a search engine like Google or Bing. And search engines love new, fresh content.
Every single business blog you write is another separate page on your website that can be indexed by search engines. Not only does this give you more chances to be found but creates a better keyword focus for your website.
But if you don’t understand SEO or if you don’t know the right way to use your keywords, you’ll damage your ability to be ranked higher by search engines.
4. Repurpose blog content
Your business blog content can easily be used to promote your business on social media platforms, converted to an e-book or white paper, or added to a newsletter or email campaign. You take the content you’ve published and re-purpose it so it has maximum impact and helps you generate leads, show off your brand, demonstrate your expertise, create interest in your business and more.
One high-quality blog can easily be used multiple times by making a few changes. So once you spend your time and money creating a business blog, you can leverage it to use multiple times in different forms and with different goals. The builds your online presence and reputation.
5. Answer Commonly Asked Questions
When a prospect is considering your product or service are there questions that come up often? If so, you could use your business blog to answer those questions. Studies have shown that most people are already 65% decided on whether or not they will buy from you before they ever pick up the phone to call. If you can answer their questions upfront it removes doubt from their minds and makes it easier for them to say “Yes”.
To put it simply, content is king and blogging is power. Your business blog can help you boost your SEO ranking, build your brand, attract leads, provide education and inspiration, and so much more. Plus, and this is big, you’re creating original content that belongs to you. You’re planting your field on land you own rather than being a sharecropper on someone else’s land.
If you need assistance with your business blog, schedule a chat or email me at [email protected].