If folks only knew the drama that goes on behind the scenes of the world of Promotions / Event Coordination... It's gangsta! Or folks tend to think they are... Look, in business, whether you are a contractor, building cleaner, glass maker, etc, you should NEVER allow people to place negativity on your name, especially when the WHOLE picture is not seen or they only use "part of the story" in order to attempt to cause your downfall.. Many will attempt to devalue, defraud, contradict, and even cause destruction to your brand simply because of your very existence. It has nothing to do with your outstanding service, your consistency, or your attitude, it's just because your business is a threat to their business due to your ingenuity, creativity, and longevity. So, what do you do? Should you be quiet and hope the libel ceases? Should you take the high road and only counter-attack when asked about your business practices? Or should you just beat the "Haters" at their OWN game by being BETTER than they are because we all know SUCCESS is the BEST REVENGE? At this point, I say all 3, but as I have become older, I believe I am becoming wiser but my patience is running thinner.... Sometimes taking the high road can SUCK, especially when you KNOW the TRUTH and the LIES seem to be gaining traction... But, remember, it takes 2 to argue, and to place your business or personal situations on Social Media is a No-No and can be career suicide. So, what can you do?
As for me, I use the their HATE and my FRUSTRATION as a form of combustible energy and allow it thrust me forward into the stratosphere, because in the end, no one can defeat You BUT You.
Business is a never ending battle, so pick up your weaponry and get back into the fight for your Legacy!
Stay Strong, All of my Fellow Entrepreneurs, Creatives, Thinkers, and Do-ers.
The journey is long but the experience is what makes it worth it,
- Alfonso Todd III, Imagine Nation Concepts