Business is Art.
Matthew Rolph
Managing Director GRAF UK Ltd | Co-Founder of water matters podcast | Punk3356 | Co-Host of Moonshot NFT podcast
The dictionary defines art as being; “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,” which in my opinion, could be the exact words used to describe someone who is successful in business. To be successful in business is to be an artist. To express or apply human creative skill and imagination, to turn nothing into something. Think about it…
To develop a new product, takes creative skill and imagination.
To open a new cafe and get customers to spend money with you, instead of the cafe down the road, takes creative skill and imagination.
To get your ads seen over others and get people to act on them, takes creative skill and imagination.
Andy Warhol famously linked business with art, and he knew a thing or two about both. His art has been sold for over $100million at Sotheby’s auction house. He knew that business, just like art, takes creative skill and imagination.?
“Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art,” said Warhol. “Making money is art, and working is art, and good business is the best art.”
You don’t hear many people say they want to be a “business person” when they grow up. Even though entrepreneurship has become popular over recent years, business people - like proper corporate, seriously good business professionals - still get a bad rap. Not without good reason, particularly when you think about some of the horror stories you’ve heard about business people doing terrible things in order to make themselves more money. But these are the minority. Go looking for bad things or bad people in any market, industry or profession, and you’ll find them. But just because a few [insert any profession here] may have done bad things at the expense of others, doesn’t mean all who choose that profession should be tarnished with the same brush.
The reality is, business can be beautiful. Business makes the world go round. Business puts food on the table. Business can be a force for good.
Tony Robbins describes business as a spiritual game…
“Business is a spiritual game. What is more spiritual than to take your thoughts and pour them into creation. It takes faith. It takes courage. It takes massive action. It takes curiosity,?creativity?to change, flexibility, it takes everything that is good and great, and when you do those things you feel alive.”
But business is hard, hard work.
20% of businesses fail within the first year. Around 60% of businesses will go bust within the first 3 years.
Because business is art. It takes human creative skill and imagination. And no one tells you this. People will tell you it’s a numbers game. It’s black and white. Some will even say it’s boring! But I'm on a mission to redefine it.
Business people are in fact, artists.
Creatives. Unique. Interesting people. Inspiring. Insightful and innovative.
To find out why and how business people are in fact artists, click to follow my articles to hear examples of how human creative skill and imagination are being used in business on a regular basis. I'm aiming to regularly share the art I witness in the business world. You never know, you might find it as inspiring as I do?!
Find out what others are doing in the grey, outside of the black & white world that most consider business to be. Learn how a little imagination can lead to big improvements.
Once you consider yourself an artist, new doors open to you. New possibilities for what you can create and what you can achieve. Free yourself from the constraints of your previous conditioning and respect the art. Embrace the canvas. Discover your artistic talents and join me.
Come find out what’s possible and awaken your imagination.
So many of us are limited by the stories that we tell ourselves; we must be this, we must be that, we must do this, we must do that, but when it comes to business we must just be ourselves. Be whatever you want to be.
Just like an artist paints whatever they want to paint, or a musician writes whatever they want to write, all art - including business - is subjective, which means there’s a group of people out there who are bound to love what you love. They’ll love your art, just as you do. They’ll love your business, just as you do.
They’re the people you’re here to serve. They’re your customers. They’re your people. Make them happy and give them something to buy from you, because they want it & love it, and you’ve got yourself a business. Give them reasons to tell their friends to get you more people who become your customers. Give them what they want and they’ll keep coming back. Get to know them and help them.
Before you know it, you'll be an artist. And a pretty successful business person too.
2023, just like all years, is likely to require plenty of creative skill and imagination to succeed in your business. Now go be the artist and turn that imagination into reality.
Happy New Year ??