The Business of Anger/Outrage

The Business of Anger

Analytics measure response discourse the emotional fear,indignation from an ever growing audience. Through the use of generalizations sensationalism inaccurate information and ridicule. From outrage and anger, any topic or business can be subjected to misrepresentation exaggeration and melodrama of impending death or doom. Sometimes personality driven, advertisers line up without being invested and simply cover the spread with a product or service, the selling of anger or outrage business package polarization and sell it in the marketplace. Anger usually is not associated with good business practices, yet if it's emotionally compelling and placed in a setting listeners and viewers trust. It's brillant as a strategy triggering emotions of fear pain distrust, would appear on the surface to be counter productive. But toss in anger and outrage and it becomes a business model. Psychologist view anger as a normal natural and mature emotion experienced by all humans. The industry known as the justice system place people in anger manangement classes to suggest that anger is an unnatural process,its big business anger as a business is good for jobs in many industries and worth billions of dollars. The psycholocial reactions to anger are physical-behavior-emotional-cognitive or thought cue. Some types of anger Justifiable- Annoyance- Aggressive.


