Book 17.

Chapter 1.

Wisdom 1.17

The Main Topic: Business Administrations and Business Management. The Subtopic: What is Business?

The Purpose. To educate the general public, on the definition of the word business. To give a strong and professional business skill. Help people Learn how a business or how to Administer a Business.

The Lesson learn: Will give the right mind and definition for the word business. Change the uneducated perception of the word business. Make the public more educated to the word business. You will know the difference between Business Management and Business Administrations.

Teaching of the book.


What is business? Business is the day-to-day management or administration of activities. The word business had been confusingly used, by many people to referred to a Marketplace or marketing. However, from a professional and academy perspective, the word business is not about only marketing or selling. It is about Administrations. But most people are not educated to the word business. They are referring generally to the word business to mean Marketing and selling only. Such people are uneducated to the definitions of the word business as used in education. They called many business graduates or those with business degree a marker or a seller.

What is Administration: Is the Managements, Governments, Supervisions, Organizations or a business activity.

But many people are not knowledgeable to the nomenclaturists of the word Administration and business. They do not understand the true definition of the word business. However, When the word business is used, it could mean many different things. There are two major kinds of business. They are Administrative Business and Commercial Business.

What is Administrative Business and what is Commercial Business??

Administrative Business and Commercial Business.

Administrative Business: is about Is about Managements, Governments, Supervisions, and Organizations of business activities. While Commercial Business, is about Marketing and selling for profitability.

In more focus, Administrative Business, Is the organize body that control, the world activities. Everything about the world is controlled by the people in Business Administration. To be a business administrator, one must go to a collage and obtain a four-year degree or a Bashlor degree of Business Administration (BBA). To be a Master of Business administrations, a person much go to a university, for a master’s degree in business administrations. The degree at a master level is called the (MBA) in short. Meaning Master of Business Administrations.

The Master of Business Administration is not a salesperson or marketer. Thus, they are trained to do marketing and selling. They are the administer of the world activities or what is called businesses. Meaning Day to day activities.

What a Business Administers do?

  • They Managed organizations/ they build organization. They write the plain or blueprints, and articles of incorporation or many companies.
  • Business Laws and policy/They create law and policy company goas and objective or the laws with an organization called polices.
  • They Managed Governments/ They manage government, ministry. They build a national and plan and organize it. They found government and manage that government.
  • They Managed the education system/ They build the education system in the world and managed it.
  • They Managed Religion organizations. They create religion ideology, build religion organization and manage it for life. A pastor is not the business administer; they are manager. The people who build the organization and write all the documents are the administers.
  • They Supervise Project or Manage Project/ They run project, create innovations. Create ideas, write project proposal. Design products, build technology and production and implement the technology.
  • They Managed Commercial Businesses. The builds commercial business, and management. They manage the finances. Budget, Accountants. They write all the business plain and business documents, that those in the areas of Marketing and selling used to run the business.? They are the once behind everything crated on the face of the earth. Because they are the administrator of all the document on the earth or paper and books, on complex idea and engineering in the world.

Note: To be a leader of the business administration, one must study Leadership, Management, Economic or Project Management. Meaning you could have a Master of Business Administration with focus in (Leadership, Economies, Management, or Project Management).

All people with MBA are world leaders. Because they have to study the above requirement management and leadership, in order to get an MBA. Else you are not a professional leader or administrator.

Global Standardizations.

Because that world has failed to have division of labor and specialization, there is substandard leadership in many parts of the world. The implementation of leadership goals and objective had become a major problem.

Our world is faced with a problem today in having unqualify people within leadership. No person a person can be a professional leader without studying Business Administration or Business. But the world is facing a standards issue, in leadership, because people have refused to study business administration or leadership. but there are many people fighting to be a leader. Business Administration is the require education, for leadership in the world or any areas of leadership. There is no other education for leaders.

?Commercial Business.

Commercial Business

Commerical business is about Marketing, Selling, Profitability, and Negotiations. It also focuses on supply and demand. Commerical business seek to understand, why to product, when to product, how to product and who to produce for. It closely works along with economic or with the economy to address needs and wants of people within society. Many people today had confused commercial business with business Administrations. There even many great companies with managers who have not understanding between what is Commercial business and what is Business Administrations? Such mind set is affecting the public.

Commercial Business is divided into three categories. They are Sole proprietorship, Partnership and Corporation. At most time it is called the kinds of businesses or three different kinds of businesses. The are:

  • Sole proprietorship/ Is a business own by one person. One person takes all the responsibility or liabilities of that business. It is mostly called small business in other countries. Disadvantage: Does one person suffer all the liabilities. They can be taken to court it they or the business do something.
  • Partnership / is a business by two or more people. Both agree to do business, based on giving different interest or reduces. Partnership in most cases don't have to equal contribution of money. At time one person could have money and the other person have knowledge. One person could have a land or business and the other have money. Or the partner could bring in money. It all called partnership business. In a partnership both partners are responsible for all the liabilities in such a business.
  • Advantages. Is unlike the sole proprietorship business. Both partners suffered the liabilities. If some do wrong both partners with have to deal with the liabilities. In this business the partners can be sue or the business can be sue depending on the law of that nation.
  • Corporation business /Is larger kind of business in the world. It is in a form of an organization but is not 100% an organization, on reason, they are for profits making. Not all organizations are business and are profits making. For example. A religion organization is not for profit marketing. It is not a corporation or business. It is an organization. The corporation's business is down by shareholders. Such business is controlled by a board of directors and is owned by group of shareholders. There could be thousands of people owning the business. Any business with a cooperation takes its own responsibility. The own cannot be sue it there a corporation problem. The board of director and the legal part of the corporation take care of such problem.

There are different advantages and disadvantages which come with these business organizations. For more information. Look up for my coming book on Business management and Business Administration.

Key differences.

Administrative Business = Management and conducted activities. Commercial Businesses =Profits Making/Selling and Marketing. Note, there is a different between marketing and selling. The are making people who do commercial business but do not understand the difference between marketing and selling.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is not selling. And selling is not marketing. However, the two have been misunderstood.

Marketing: is about Advertising, Promotion, Publicizing, Presentation. It about getting goods and services, in front of the public or to the prospective buyers. Or the customers. The prospective buyer and the customer both make up the public, but they are not the same.

The prospective buyer: are those who are believed by the seller to need and want the goods and services. But they are not yet a customer to the business. Reason is they are not yet brought anything from the business. At time a customer, made be consider, a prospective for a new product. However, if the product is not new to that person, and they had brough before, from that business, they are not a prospective buyer. There are customers.

Prospective buyer is those who need good and service but had never disclose it to the seller. In order for the seller to make such person the product, the seller or business organization with have to market the product. This is done by advertising the product, promotion the product or publicizing the product. That is called Marketing.

Marketing can be done in many ways. In know they have the product they must, it is to the person or put it in a place that the person is able to see it. Such place is called marketplace or business.

However, a marketplace can be online. The showcase can be done publicly, or on the news media, into social media areas or anywhere, seller believes that the prospective buyer can be found.

Unlike the Prospective buyer is the Customers. The customer is a person who had purchaser a product in the past, a patronize, or those called buyers.

What is selling?

Selling is not marketing. As pointed out in the above marketing is different from selling. For a selling to happen. There must be a seller and a buyer. The seller is a person marketing a product but does not mean they are selling. Selling start when an interest is disclosed. Meaning someone had made a request to buy the product. However, that does not mean because a person makes the request a selling happen. Selling come with procedure or step. Below are the processes of selling.


Selling comes with Negotiation.

  • Offer and Acceptant/ For the selling to happen, one person much be willing to sell the product, and other person must be willing to buy the product. This is called negotiations.
  • Pricing. Is another step in selling or the negotiation of selling. There much be a price which the buyer is willing to pay. The price has to be disclosed by the seller to the buyer, in order for selling to take place.
  • Accountability: There much be an agreement between the seller and the buyer on the liabilities in any effects.
  • Discloser. In order to deal with the issues of liabilities both the seller and the buyer must agree to disclose some level of information for contact.
  • Other. Base on other countries regulation there made be other requirements in the septs of selling but those are the major septs before selling happen. Aster such negotiations selling is calling out.

The Selling of a goods.

Selling, is the exchange of interest. Meaning, one person must have something, that the other person is willing to exchange or buy. Many people believe that selling is usually done with money. That is not true, it is not only based money but on the exchange of interests. However, money is the most commonly, used exchange in selling. Notwithstanding in a system, where there is no money, selling is done based on the exchange of any interest.

Selling: Is the exchange of goods and services for interest/Money. That is also called commercial business. the process of Marketing and Selling. It is called Business Management.? It is control by a business manager.


?In short happen when all negotiation is complected is when selling happen. The Selling will give a production, and the buy will give money or an interest. If not selling had not taken place. The agreement between the buys and the seller is the most important part of business for selling to happen. Else such transaction is considering illegal transaction.

Business Administration Education and requirements.

Meaning if a person wants to be a leader in the world they need a Business Degree. It is the only degree for leadership in the education system. There is no other degree which officer leadership. The business Degree can be awarded in many different names.? Master of leadership, Master of global leadership, Master of Business Administration and more. It is still a business degree.

All other degree is outside of administration and leadership. Meaning they are not for leadership. A degree in the legal area is not for leadership. A degree in the medical areas is not for leadership, A degree in technology is not for leadership. A degree in engineering is not for leadership. Only a business Degree is a leadership degree or education.

Note: those without a Business Degree at the time of their study did not chose to be a leadership. Their passion was to do another job. Else they were going to study leadership. However, the world today had not focus on getting qualify and standard in the workplace. This is causing people without the passion and education to run into other profession because they cannot get a job in their area. This is major problem in leadership today.

This book was Written by: Dr. Lemuel B. King.

Thank you for using the Icons of Leadership Articles. If you used this work, you must credit, Dr. Lemuel B. King as the author and owner of the book.




Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.的更多文章

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