Bushleague Rules No.1 = Have a Creed

Bushleague Rules No.1 = Have a Creed

It’s 2022… Happy New Year from Two in The Bush Television Company & The Bushleague Blog.

With so many projects either in the pipeline or the backlog of our Kanban on Jira?(Bless you Atlassian). I thought it best to slow down and take this blog more seriously this year. I wanted a space to share my thoughts, a platform to offer best practices and use cases in film and TV production, product development, and design education mixed with a dash of our family brand of self help humor, along with tips for disruptive creative leaders in education and legacy media.

To begin this iterative practice I’m committing to write a post every day this year. The commitment to process and practice is inspired by the NFT Artist Beeple and his “Everydays” as Beeple defines it, “These pictures are all done from start to finish every day. The purpose of this project is to help me get better at different things. By posting the results online, I’m “less” likely to throw down a big pile of ass-shit even though most of the time I still do because I suck ass.”

If you aren't familiar with the work and humor of Mike Winkelmann and the world of NFT Art, here’s a link www.beeple-crap.com

For my practice, I felt the urge to launch a daily blog with field notes from my life as a project manager, aspiring screenwriter, struggling artist, mental health warrior, educator, and family man. I wanted to share my own particular take on leadership in business & industry, project management, education, and community with user cases and case studies from years of working as a creative generalist and servant leader. The Bushleague is our working framework at Two in The Bush TV CO. It is a practical, salt of the earth philosophy gathered and collected from diverse areas of Sports Psychology, Self Help, Improvisational Comedy, Agile Methods, Design Thinking, Faith, but most of all our working class Family Traditions.

The Bushleague doesn’t rely on talent or resources. It’s about respectful disruption of existing paradigms, trickery, hustle and charm. However, despite its mercurial ontology there are some rules to the game. 13 to be exact. For the next 13 days I will be rolling them out in full detail. Without further ado… I give you RULE #1


Rules of The Bushleague

Rule #1 — Develop a Motto or Creed

This rule or tactic I attribute to someone I consider a mentor and significant influence on my work as a teacher and brand builder. I first read Patrick Hanlon’s opus?Primal Branding?in 2009 but it’s anthropological view on branding and business storytelling really appeals to my liberal arts epistemologies.

For more on Patrick’s Work visit:?https://www.primalbranding.co/

This Creed or Moto should be your North Star. It’s our Compass at Two in The Bush TV Co.

When we feel defeated in our work…which happens on the reggie…


I grew up as a Jock, and had a Football Coach & Steelworker for a Father. Motivation in the Bush house was always a cobbled up reworking of The Lombardi Rules, The Emperor Chuck Knoll sound bites, and George Carlin logic for good measure. Later in life the rules of the Bushleague would gather a lot from Kurt Vonnegut’s world view, and quips from countless teachers and coaches who’ve made us who we are today.

Recently my energy has been low and my mental health and physical well being have been put on notice. Teaching through the pandemic for back to back years, aspirational entrepreneurial endeavors, adjusting to remote working, and the side hustles that make the ends have all brought a new appreciation for my parents and the sacrifices made for giving me and my siblings an idyllic wonderful childhood.Therefore, I wanted to kickoff this new year with a new Motto for The Bushleague, for Two in The Bush TV projects, my students, and our entire Family.

In Project Management, Business, Art and Life we are committed to great service, innovative solutions, creating entertaining and educational experiences and productions for users, customers, and friends who we haven’t yet met … Qouquo Moto!

Quoquo Moto is partly inspired by the 6 years of Latin my brother Chad and I studied with Mrs Ruth Kernagis at Crown Point High School, and Dr. John Fischer at Wabash College, but it’s equally a nod to sister Ashley and I’s training at Second City Chicago, and the year my mother bought my father and I improvisational classes for Christmas 2001 when my father lost his job at LTV Steel Mill for the last time. That gift brought cheer to my family in a dark time, but also the first rule of Improv, “Yes And” into the Bushleague Gameplan. Impulsive as it might be, “Yes And” builds cooperation and community. It also allows one to accept the things we cannot change with gratitude and agility. This creates a reflexive team within a group dynamic. “Yes And” also works as a core component of IDEO’s Design Thinking ideation phase of any product or project. Certainly in life there are times when one needs to think more critically and challenge conventions with resistance. We will discuss resistance in another Bushleague Rule to come. However Strong Teams, Strong Families, and Strong Businesses need sustained belief and trust in one another QUOQUO MOTO = By Whatever Means = Yes And. Accept where you are in the lifecycle of your project and build from there.

For more on this work visit:?https://www.secondcity.com/how-to-say-yes-and/

Does your team have a Motto. Has your motto changed through the years? Do you have a personal mission statement?

Please share we’d love to hear yours!

#projectmanagement #personaldevelopment #personalbranding #creativework #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #familygoals #familybusiness #sportspsychology #nftartist #televisionproduction #Improvisation #Secondcity #PrimalBranding #Jira #Atlassian #Sportspsychology


Tyler Lennox Bush, MA, MFA的更多文章

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