National Institute of Strategic Resilience
Advocating national resilience and security from diverse perspectives
Media Release by Senator the Hon @Murray Watt
Senator for QLD | Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Minister for Emergency Management
Friday, 25 August 2023
The nation’s leaders in bushfire response will unite at Australia’s first National Bushfire Preparedness Summit next month, as preparations for a hot, dry spring and summer continue.
This inaugural summit is the next step in the Albanese Government’s plan to ensure Australia is better prepared for future natural disasters.
It comes as all of Australia’s Emergency Management Ministers gather in Brisbane today (Friday) for a face-to-face meeting. The meeting includes a seasonal outlook briefing by the Bureau of Meteorology and an operational briefing by NEMA.
The Albanese Government will convene the Summit alongside State and Territory governments, emergency services, industry, and not-for-profit organisations in Canberra on 25-26 September.
The event will bring together around 250 crisis management, response and recovery specialists from governments, industry, community and the not-for-profit sector.
It’s the first time a National Bushfire Preparedness Summit has been held, and builds on months of work from Federal, State and Territory Governments to prepare for this year’s bushfire season.
It aims to share Higher Risk Weather Season resources and practise national-level coordination and consequence management in a safe environment.
Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt said while bushfire preparedness was now well-advanced across the country, the Summit would be an opportunity for everyone involved in disaster response to work together.
“The Albanese Government, through the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), has been working closely with state and territory services throughout the year to plan for the coming higher risk weather season, assessing capability and working to streamline response and early recovery efforts,” Minister Watt.
“But we’re conscious that this is shaping up to be the first significant fire season since Black Summer, so we’re doing everything we can to be as prepared as possible at every level.
“That includes bringing together stakeholders that cover the whole national disaster management and recovery spectrum to make sure everyone knows what to expect this upcoming season, and what support is available in an emergency.
“The Summit will ensure all key stakeholders know what resources and capabilities state and territory governments can draw upon and when, as well as additional operational and information sharing support.
“As a priority we’ll work through best practice approaches for preparedness, response and relief, and will also look at better preparedness for vulnerable communities such as people living with disabilities and First Nations people.”
The Summit will also feature a national scenario exercise based on the seasonal outlook, between Federal, State and Territory personnel and key members of the private and non-government and crucial that will include coordinating complex, compounding and cascading emergencies. This will allow participants to understand their role in the broader response and recovery.
Since being elected last May, the Albanese Government has introduced significant improvements to the way Australia prepares for the higher risk weather season.
This includes: