Bush Whispers (Chapter 33)
Matlapaneng bridge on the Thamalakane river, Botswana (today)

Bush Whispers (Chapter 33)

     Chapter 33    -    1972

Ed and Morgan had left a month before, Ed going to London and Morgan back to Johannesburg. It was the end of the year and people were getting together with loved ones for Christmas and others just to spend time with their families and go on holiday. Before leaving, Ed had told us that he was going back to the UK to set up links to us from all his media stations worldwide. Morgan would also receive the same information coming in to us at Manne so everyone was on the same page. He said that he and Morgan would make up some working documents, passwords and the like before leaving for London. He gave us an idea of the things that were to be discussed. He felt that each job that came in, regardless of who, where or what, we were going to approach each one with tactical military precision and planning. We were going to be going in to whatever, very ready indeed.

He personally would pick the jobs we were to do, liaise with Morgan, he would then send us the packaged information. These packages would have a Target (person to be found), Direction (what needed to be done on finding the target), Reason (Why the target needed to be found plus the consequences of finding or not finding him or her), Politics (If there was any Governmental involvement plus which Governments were involved), Outcome (What our best and worst case scenario would be), Position (If there was to be any danger involved in the case and what could be done to circumvent it if at all possible) and finally, Needed (What supplies were necessary which included any weaponry – the later to be supplied by contacts in the country in which we would be working). Sounded like no chances were going to be taken by any of us and that was good news. There were of course all the normal things that were needed, currency of the country that we were going to, how we were getting there, hotel or other places to stay amongst a host of other details like vehicle, chopper and light aircraft hire to clothing.

What would happen if a case was taken would follow a laid out pattern. The first thing would be to send me as much information on our target as possible. This would hopefully give me enough to get my whispers going. If it did not more information would be needed and Ed and his people would have to supply that plus any titbits that could make it more personal. If after everything I still did not get anything from my whispers, Ed and Morgan would make a decision whether to move forward with it. The second thing that would happen would be Margy and I would go to the country where the target had disappeared armed with the info and see if anything came up on my radar. All cases would be dictated by my bush whisper abilities. No whispers, no case and RRI would turn down the job unless more information could be got in that turned them on.

Margy and I were sitting down at the river on the wooden pier chatting and I was supposedly fishing. I think my mind was in low gear and just enjoying the relative quiet and the sun. Something started tweaking my mind but could not get a handle on it. Margy saw I was otherwise engaged, not saying too much. “You seem a hundred miles away Doggs, what’s up?”                                                                                               

I was not sure so said “Not sure, something is playing tag in my head but....”

She nodded and said “The quiet is getting to you. You need something to happen don’t you?”                                                                                                                        

I laughed “Nah not really but something is coming and I don’t know what.”       

Margy looked at me “You have never had pre-event feelings, have you?”            

“Nope, never. Except once or twice when I was a kid but did not really know exactly what or why, just inklings. I am sort of getting things running through my head at speed and does not make sense. Mountains, snow and a hell of a lot of water. Ah well, I suppose we will find out soon enough.”

It was getting close to lunch so walked up to the hotel and into the pub when I heard Briggs calling for me, thinking I was still down at the river. She stuck her head into the hotel front door and said “We got a live one, move it.”

And then she was gone. Margy and I had not even sat down so turned and trotted next door to the office. As we walked in Brinn and Briggs were fielding paper from the fax machine, tearing off and folding each five sheets into an easy read folder. I grabbed the first one and as I opened it all I saw was ‘Highly Confidential’ RRI staff only. Doggan Rath – Margy Rainsford – Brinn Douglas – Brigitte Palmer.  I then started reading. I think the widening of my eyes told Margy that this was a real biggie. She looked quizzically at me and extended her hands.

I stopped reading and waited for the fax to stop then asked them to sit down while I walked to the door and closed it.                                                                  

“Oh elephant droppings this looks serious” said Briggs plonking herself down. “That look on Doggs does not bode well.”                                                                       

“Nah, well maybe but it’s highly confidential and just for the four of us. So, we start with the cloak and dagger stuff straight up, no messing around.”                                   

I sat down and opened the first folder and started reading. I had just mentioned the target when the radio crackled to life. Brinn leaned over and clipped off the mike. Using the patter we had been given he answered.                                                   

“Manne here, go ahead.”                                                                            

No codes or nothing just straight talk.                                                                   

“South online, read, discuss and give immediate feedback, out.”                                  

It was Morgan and he wanted to know if all pages had got through. He wanted us to read the information and make an assessment of the job and was there any added info needed. As I said, nice and simple, no names, no info discussed.

Read a chapter a day or buy the book (online version) for $3.41 on Amazon at - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016WCUA54 - Please share the story, thanks!


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