Raman Sharma
Average student from a middle-class family from a small town always fascinated with the charm of Army never missed the DD live of REPUBLIC DAY PRADE as far as I remember till 1997 and even beyond. In college, joined NCC (2 HP BN NCC) Part of SHIMLA Group. Over a period of 3yr of my college life??attended approx 30 NCC Camps while pursuing B.Com. Participated in the Republic day parade of 26 JAN 2000. Completed the graduation the same year and cleared my NCC "C " certificate, attempted the UPSEC Exam, at the same time got the call for SSB Through NCC Special entry scheme At SSB Allahabad.
Got through the screening and then another 5 days, Didn't cleared, but was heck of an experience.. 1st ever experience of life. For a carrier progression unaware of what was to come ahead in life ... Since didn't cleared was little disappointed but was not disheartened.... Applied again for the process….alongside appeared for LLB entrance in HPU SHIMLA.. didn't make it in the merit... and the year faded away in a blink.. By the start of 2001 got my call for 2nd SSB interview at Bhopal ... again the same didn’t got through... by this time the pressures of life were getting on me ...(to be heard in a separate narrative- ??)
During the period had again attempted for my LLB entrance and was in the merit list ... got the admission in the university.. by end of Dec got through the initial screening again at Group HQ NCC Shimla and was Recommended for SSB Interview and in the initial yr of 2002 got my call for 3rd SSB. I Had slowly stared enjoying the academic atmosphere of law college and? had made up my mind not to go for the interview,? Still went home to collect stuff required for the SSB and slightly told my mom that will? not be going for it and asked her not to tell other and will inform after 6 day that didn’t get through and further will be going directly to Shimla for law classes.
Had to catch the early morning bus for Delhi. (where as was going to be the bus for Shimla) Mom couldn't digest it and informed dad, I had no clue he had been made aware. He woke me up in the morning, after the morning ritual got ready and came out with my packed bag. Dad was sipping his tea and told that on the side is mine, mom was preparing pack food for my journey... Dad slowly asked me “why I didn't wanted to go ..?? Alas! my secret was out.. I thought day is gone???I had it today, I thought.. but entire conversation was different. He just told me : see it is the best profession one can get in .. their is no match of it with lawyers... being a Himachali its some how inbuilt respect to the profession (ARMY) ..Every second house you will find a Fauji.. he continued.. said their is nothing wrong if you become a lawyer,? but becoming an ARMY Officer - you will not regret and will bring honor to the family as well your own ambition and on the top I am funding your tour, go attendant at least, so that in future don’t have this regret " I might have done it if I ?had gone - even if you don’t make it ,law you are already pursuing and 6-8 days won’t make any difference in missing those classes.****
He dropped me at the bus stand made me board the bus - GOT ON TO THE BUS TO DELHI AND THEN TRAIN TO ALLAHABAD AND REPORTED TOO 18 SSB?.
The candidates that arrive are in a batch of mix ( 1st, 2nd , 3rd...? or last attempt due to age factor) so a mix of emotions, enthusiasts, motivated, experienced, rejuvenated, and some like me with a mix of interested but not excited. “ SOMEHOW I KNOW NOW THAT THIS FEELING ?IS WHAT MAKES YOU ACT IN TRUE SELF ”
I had around 8-10 whom I knew before hand due to being NCC batch mates from different states and some from my previous 2 SSB attempts. The night passed and the screening started. ( Before the screening starts , you are made to pack your bags and stack up at the gate??before you proceed for the screening test on the first day.?By mid-day its over and by lunch time results are announced...only 20 to 30% use to continue for the rest of the 5 days. ... since I had 50-50 heart , the butterfly effect in the stomach as during previous 2 attempts was not there. . But something was happening during the attempt??as I can recollect today that I was writing faster and easily without giving any calibrated pre-fed thoughts. Soon it was over.. as I was kind of casual, not very serious but at the same time attempted truthfully.. The result was announced and to my surprise I had again made it... same as in the previous 2 attempts since 2001.
Went through the rest of the five days of grilling.. after lunch till early evening much of time was available to ourselves to rest and prepare for the next assignments, and after around 1800h you are free preparing for the next day.... Most of us dive-down into various pressies, discussions, reading through notes... I followed the same in the last two interviews but this time... I went and played basketball with the kids and others who were playing in the Games court: daily.. I became popular on my 1st day itself... (just to add: I was playing for my district team and college for the last 3 yrs with 6ft 3inch height I was fairly good in the game ??.) 2nd day when I was coming back from evening session, I was called for the game , they were waiting for me to come and was already put into pre-decided team. The same continued for the rest of the days. In the night after dinner its light out by 2100h, but no one sleeps as all are engrossed into their notes, pressies and discussion’s. Somehow I had bult in repo of a?rowdy in the dormitory.
Whole day is mentally tiering , but the preparation for the next day keeps many awake till late nights. I use to declare lights out at Nine.? I was just being my self and was not pushing to take any pre fed ideas for the upcoming tests the next day. The beauty of the SSB testing is such that it has a set of tests in line one after the another, its known what is going to be our question paper but the answers are the tricks.
One can only keep guessing what went wrong during these test but its hard to make out. " Today I can say ~ its about finding your true self, not what you are portraying to show..
On the 4th day after the game we went to the cafeteria for some snacks and while moving out saw a Lady struggling with her Maruti 800 as she had left her keys inside the car and accidently locked while moving to the cafe. On seeing, I approached her and offered help to which she accepted, cos she had both the keys i.e main and spare both inside the car ... ?? .. I went to the cafe asked for a scale and trick opened her door. Those days the auto locks were not common and could be opened by slamming the locks open by sliding scale along the glass in a particular location.? Learned this trick long back.. when the same happened to me once ??….. Someone had suggested her to smash the glass since both keys were inside. She thanked me in gratitude and I smiled back with gesture saying “ WELCOME MAAM ”….
Any way she left in relief and I went to the dormitory for fresh up and moved to mess for dinner and then slept off.? Soon the D-day arrived the 6th and the final day, after the final interview entire lot is made to sit in room for declassification. The same drill as on the screening day is followed-- in the morning all are made to pack bags and leave them at the gate for dispatch immediately after the declassification. Only those clear brings them back to barracks and rest say goodbye....?
As we all waited in the classroom the moment came. Instructor started with the small motivating lecture with advice for those who will not make it, not to lose hope with the famous examples of Amitabh Bachchan etc etc…
Where as I was contemplating in my thoughts that have a evening train ticket without a reserved seat as how I will negotiate with the TT for make one available so as to travel 48 hrs journey till Chandigarh.
As I was engrossed in my thoughts he had already started announcing the results .. Sunny? (Taranbir) my NCC RD Parade mate of Jalandhar? who was sitting behind be, jolted me on my back , I came back to the scene, he told me to get up the GTO instructor asked - where are you- replied promptly and said- overhear sir. He laughed and continued saying other chest no’s. To my utter surprise I had cleared --- and was now time to get on with the medicals.... rest is history ,,,......? ?? ??
Today having completed over two decades in the organization I see that day as a turn which I followed , had not taken that bus to Delhi instead of Shimla back to university campus wouldn't have been narrating the story.
life goes on but those singular movements that Enlighted the path to this day are mesmerizing and are indeed the stories to be told for someone to look upon for.?….