The Bus
I had a movie to catch. It was mid afternoon and I wanted the first bus that got me closest to the movies, located at Riverside Mall. Though I had not purchased my ticket yet, I wanted to get there as soon as possible. I have a driver's license, but no car, so the bus is a must for me to travel around. I am standing in the cold and the New Jersey Transit 756? bus identification number 6090 had just arrived. I was carrying a bookbag on my back, a squeegee mop; in which, I use to clean car windows in order to make some side money, and a container of fried chicken from Shoprite in my hand; because? I was in a rush and to go fried chicken met my current needs to refill my body. As I walk onto the bus, the first thing the bus driver says in a rude manner is “are you going to eat that on the bus?” I recognized his rudeness and met it sarcastically by saying “yes”. He said don't eat that on my bus. I stated ok and went back to my seat, pulling my bookbag off in order to avoid my squeege mop from hitting the roof. As I sat down, I searched for my bus ticket on my phone. While doing so, the bus driver got up and walked all the way to the back of the bus, over to me and says “pull up your pants, your but is showing or get off my bus. I express I am sitting down, no one can see my butt. He then says he is calling the police get off his bus. Then, he walks to the front of the bus. I am thinking this man can’t be serious. I then walk to the front of the bus to show him my bus ticket, thinking maybe he thought I wasn’t going to pay for the bus and was agitated. He then says get off my bus I am not allowing you on. I became upset and said you are a worthless coward, who starts difficulties over nothing. People like you are the reason black individuals lose everyday of their lives. You are disgrace and never should you ever use the words black lives matter. I then grabb my things and walk off the bus. A moment later another bus comes by the “New Jersey Transit? 780 bus”.? I start to walk onto the bus but I noticed the police had arrived, so I back off the bus to address the situation. Granted as soon as I back off? the other bus driver came walking over to me pointing me out to the police.? Approximately 3 police officers walk over to me asking me what happened. I explained the situation and expressed to the police I did nothing wrong, there was no reason for them to bother me. They ignored me and requested for my Identification or social security number. I offered my identification and was told by police they didn’t understand my anger. I expressed I am angry because I was kicked off the bus, as well as Police are not my favorite people, because they never listen to me telling them how they have no rights to bother me. They have destroyed my life in multiple ways, in which they’ve never had rights to do so.? After a few minutes of blabbering about my lack of appreciation. The police express to me the bus driver will tell all drivers I am no longer allowed on the bus. I then expressed to the officers that is the exact reason why I am always angry with police and I dislike police,? because they know the driver has no rights to do or say any information of such kind and they? shouldn’t be passing information of such along. The officers left and went about their way. My bus finally came once again and I disappeared off to the movies.