Burnouts, Overwhelm....
Arun Kumbhat
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It is increasingly commonplace for us to feel resentment towards our lives, events and people in it. The ‘experience of life’ or how you feel going through life has a greater bearing on our lives than it’s length or how rich life is materially.?
Resentful feelings are born out of a sense of loss of control over events or people. It leads to a sense of being overwhelmed; when we see such situations often, or on a prolonged basis with a particular issue or person. Taking a cumulative view leads to believe we are victims or such situations are unique to us, which of course they are not.
The??concept of??P ( production or quantum) and PC (production capacity or ability) are useful to understand this. When the capacity is larger than the actual utilisation, systems work in sustainably and lesser failures or overwhelms. Endurance.
So what are the important PCs to build??
It is now well known that physiology and emotional health have a deep symbiotic relationship, much like P and PC.
Much of the emotional overwhelm we feel, would not be so acute if we had the physiological capacity to deal with our routine lives and the occasional challenges; and some to spare. In??other words we did not feel physically stretched simultaneously with the other issues that occur.?
The over emphasis on education and its material consequences, have led us to take our eyes off our physiological capacities. A greater celebration of the outdoors and sport or exercise, especially in the early formative years of life, and beyond would equip us with greater capacities. Sportspersons and people form the armed forces are a great example of physiological capacities leading to greater equanimity. The examples of physical overwhelm leading to feelings of inadequacy, anger and outrageous behavioral outcomes are are too commonplace to recount here. Each of us has experienced it in the privacy of our contemplation and guilt even if we live in denial of it. It is called regret.?
Having the physical capacity may only be part of the answer. A significant related concept is also that of Dignity or Labour.
Our addiction to convenience, and all the meaning that education and advertisement adds to it have habituated us to avoidance of physical work. To a point where we seem to be defining our wellbeing with convenience and consumption. It also then defines our expectations from people and situations. Each time our expectations , regardless of how unreasonable they may or may not be,???are not met to our satisfaction we have another outrage or episode of overwhelm.?
According dignity to labor, lets us have perspective and balance our expectations of others.
By choosing to look at our physical capacities and building on them, and revisiting our concept of ‘work’ or labor; we could significantly change our experience of life for the better.?
The advantages of complaining and seeking attention through drama are many, but short lived. They end up fouling relationships and earning disaffection, while draining everyone.
Also to be mindful of the fact that when we are in a state of overwhelm ourselves we may be contributing to toxicity at work and home. The question we must ask ourselves is, do wish to be a part of the problem or the solution ?