'Burnout' - Part 1
David Moss
Team Teach Trainer | NLP Coach & Trainer | Business Dev & Client Retention Manager
Last month the World Health Organisation (WHO) included in their 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases that 'burn-out' is an occupational phenomenon.
As defined: Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions:
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
- reduced professional efficacy.
Since the release of ICD-11 the already well-discussed issue of 'burn-out' has increased dramatically; daily articles are differing in their opinions of the definition, causes, and treatments. Some articles I've researched suggest getting plenty of exercise, sleep, taking a holiday, reassessing goals and to practice positive thinking is the answer. Others take on a more serious tone, exclaiming that 'burn-out' can take the form of minor illnesses and mild depression to mental breakdowns.
Some business-related articles have created questionnaires to help professionals to understand if they are suffering from the symptoms of 'burn-out' - questions such as;
- Are you exhausted all the time?
- Do you feel overwhelmed and indecisive?
- Are you struggling to focus?
- Do you suffer from restless sleep or insomnia?
- Are you quick to get angry and lash out at people?
- Are you determined to ‘power through’ because you don’t want to fail?
- Are you bored and uninspired with your business/career?
- Are you terrified of failure?
From experience, what works for one person may not work for another. Taking a yoga class, getting outdoors or taking a holiday, at best will treat symptomology and may work in the short-term for some. There's also the issue of attempting everything, from meditation, changing your diet, practicing positive thinking and still hitting a wall.
You tried everything advised to defeat stress and it still caught up with you...
What can you do now?
Join me next week for 'Burnout - Part 2' where I'll share with you more research on and how to avoid 'burnout'. Including examples and techniques that begin to deal with the root causes and how to find out what's really going on.
In the meantime feel free to connect or contact me confidentially with any questions you have or to share your experiences of 'burnout' and what it means to you.