In celebration of #worldbookday
I wanted to share a poem with you from my book of poetry entitled "Burning Inside me". This is not my usual content on here but, what the heck its World Book Day!
I felt defeated because you were not arriving soon enough.
A wrinkle was spurting from the side of my face,?
my breasts were surrendering to gravity?
and my stretch marks were choosing not to fade.?
I was preparing my apologies,?
On the state of my body
For when we met and you mapped out my flaws.
But then a fire grew inside? me.
Correcting my vision.
I am corrected in remembering? that?
drooping grapes make for fine wine.
I am reminded that wrinkled cheese,?
makes for flavored extravaganza.?
Delightful delicacies to?
the crevices of any man.
I am reminded that the moon herself?
is not flawless, her surface exposing craters.
And she is much much more ancient than I,
Yet, she pulls the gaze and heartstrings?
Of men from ALL nations.?
A fire lives inside me,
Spreading an eternal youth loose.
I am remembering to reveal?
my maturity,?
my wisdom?
and? vulnerability.
Because love cannot? eat?
She cannot devour flawless skin.
She can only be like fire,?
Consuming what exists within.
I feel encouraged for your arrival,take your time.
You will not miss me for? I will be the woman aglow.
- Hope you enjoyed that read, feel free to share your thoughts.
You can find my book on Amazon HERE