Burned-out employees are 'quiet quitting' their jobs: What to know about the trend
Today I want to talk about a trend that I've been seeing all over the internet as well as heard from a few of my friends which is quiet quitting . the new trend redefining work-life balance.#quietquitting
What is quiet quitting?
It is the latest workplace trend it does not involve silently resigning or slipping Your resignation letter under your boss's door quiet quitting Is about quitting the idea of going above and beyond your KRA (Key responsibility area) at work this trend is basically about doing only What you're expected to do if your job is to lead a project that's all that you do you don't propose new projects you don't help others with their projects you don't mentor Colleagues or help team building with team building exercises all you do is lead your Project they say quiet quitting is about quitting the hustle culture it advocates Signing in at 10 signing out at five doing only what you're hired for and that's it You get the idea for the longest time this is what you were told not to do at your workplace but today gen zed is embracing the idea of doing the bare minimum they have dumped the idea of going the extra mile or working extra hours taking work calls on weekends or after workouts .
Pros and cons of quiet quitting
·????????Temporary relief from burnout
·????????Improvement in mental health conditions
·????????productivity falls
·????????you get what you give
·????????it leads to stagnation of your Career
What to do when you are burned out?
If you're burnt out before you too embrace quiet quitting why not talk to your manager instead figure out a way to cope with a burnout Take a break come back and deliver your best but don't let your reputation suffer by Becoming the face of a demotivated worker if you're not satisfied with your work Discuss with your manager if nothing changes even after the conversation then Quit take up another job and give you a 100% but don't become that worker who just Does the bare minimum if you think you need to re-evaluate your career then do that up skill yourself and whatever new it is that you choose to do be enthusiastic about it don't stay in a in a job half-heartedly don't quite quit It neither helps your growth nor your reputation as an employee and that said You know your situation best think twice before you jump on a trend.