Susan Ei was the Pequot Library's children's librarian for more than ten years when she suddenly and unexpectedly died in 2017 while under FBI control as one of its tools in targeting me for my investigations and related social media posts into widespread, chronic, malevolent crime and corruption throughout the Connecticut legal system at all levels. The FBI had put Susan to stalking me on three occasions, two at the Southport post office and one at Harry's Wine and Liquor Market in Fairfield.
This stalking was followed by the FBI parking Susan's distinctive metallic green Honda SUV in a parking lot at my Black Rock, Bridgeport, apartment several times in the spring and summer of 2016 after I had filed a civil case against the Pequot Library on the basis of disturbing incidents targeting me at the library involving staff and FBI agents working together. Susan had only a tangential association with such incidents, if she had any association at all. Whatever weak or nonexistent association she had was altered by the FBI under pressures of intimidation and bribery and I'm presuming appeals for solidarity with other Pequot Library staff named as defendants in my lawsuit. Pequot Library is in Southport, Connecticut, part of Fairfield. I grew up in Fairfield. Black Rock is adjacent to Fairfield.
I'm investigating Susan Ei untimely death under suspicious circumstances as part of my broader investigations. My book-in-progress "Children's Librarian, Stalker, Corpse – FBI Programming of Susan Ei at the Pequot Library, Southport/Fairfield, Connecticut" goes into the broader picture.
"They burned her up," I said to public defender Dennis Salzbrunn, the court-appointed stand-by counsel in the case of trespass at the Pequot Library being prosecuted against me at the court G. A. 2 in Bridgeport, referring to Susan Ei. I am pro se defendant in the case.
Susan Ei had been burned to ashes before I even knew she was dead. She died at 2:25AM on March 31, 2017, at the Norwalk Hospital. This was a Friday. Someone at Norwalk Hospital signed off that Susan Ei's death certificate was received on April 4, 2017, the following Monday. April 4, 2017, is given as the date of Susan's cremation, with County Cremation Services in Fairfield named as the crematorium.
I learned about Susan Ei's death on April 3, 2017, when I received notice from her lawyer Brian Paice of the Hartford law firm Conway Stoughton the curiously named "suggestion of death" legal document had been filed at the Bridgeport Superior Court. (Brian Paice is himself another tool of the FBI's targeting program against me, the FBI having him to wear a brace on his ankle at a few court appearances to emphasize the FBI's aims of physical injury to me, or death considering death threats against me.)
I was startled by the "suggestion of death" notice. Susan had always appeared to me to be healthy, vibrant. I was startled especially because I had seen Susan driving through Southport center in her distinctive Honda SUV toward the Pequot Library only about a week earlier. I read through the many media articles on her death including her time as children's librarian, her family, etc., that came out in the following days.
I didn't learn that Susan had been cremated until I obtained her death certificate at the Fairfield town hall a couple of weeks later. I wanted it for my investigations, and also it might have some use in my legal case where her husband Paul Zalon was being substituted as the defendant. As part of this change in my case, I was given a copy of Susan Ei's will as a matter of course. One of its provisions was that funds of Susan's estate would be used for payment for funeral services for her. There was no mention of cremation.
"They burned her up," I said to attorney Salzbrunn. "Cremation destroys any traces of chemicals." I had done some research on the effects of cremation. I was referring to drugs or poisons which could be detected in an autopsy. A toxicology report is a routine part of an autopsy.
Susan's death certificate lists "hypoxic pulmonary failure – days," "severe pulmonary hypertension –?weeks", and metastatic breast cancer, advanced – months" as causes of death in this order beginning with "immediate cause" followed by other factors listed "sequentially."
By the time I learned Susan had died, she had already been cremated, and it was too late for me to alert anyone that an autopsy should be performed because of the suspicious circumstances surrounding her death, including the timing of it in relation to developments in my civil case. In my continuing investigation, I was struck by similarities in the language used by medical experts in the trial of officer Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd to the language for Susan Ei's first two causes of death. Even before the Chauvin trial, from doing research upon obtaining her death certificate, I came to the view that Susan died by suicide or maybe accidentally by overdosing on pills she had for her breast cancer under circumstances making for some type of manslaughter by the FBI, particularly one or more of her handlers. Pequot Library employees and her husband Paul Zalon would know more about this. But they are not talking, now, like me, targeted for witness intimidation too by the FBI.
I don't rule out murder as Susan Ei's cause of death. As the FBI and I knew, she would have been a prime witness in my exposures of FBI crime and corruption and related civil or criminal cases. There should have been an autopsy. But there wasn't. So we may never know what really caused Susan's death. "They burned her up."
(Henry Berry is an investigative writer-independent researcher in Connecticut. He is the author of "A Clicking in the Air – A Connecticut Whistleblower's Story" and the soon to be published "Children's Librarian, Stalker, Corpse" mentioned in the article (both with Amazon). He is also the director of the Susan Ei Memorial Center for the Study of FBI Crime and Corruption seeking to establish safe houses for targets of the FBI, advise individuals on how to protect themselves, their children, their jobs, and their lives from FBI predations and pathology, and place a plaque in memory of Susan Ei in the children's department of the Pequot Library. This article is part of a series of public-service notices in the interest of public safety and preservation of democratic society posted on social media.) END