Jorge Mata Torres
Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas
Source: Rense.com
Kirwan - Nothing Will END Tomorrow
Why Team Trump Has Been So Positive Of Late
Wiki Reveals Satanic Rituals Used By White House
Chiefs - What Media Won't Tell You About Hillary
Incredible Response To Rappoport's Article On
Naked Teen 'Art' Photos In Podesta's Home
Podesta, WaPost Article, Photos Of Naked Teens On Walls
Trump - FBI Rank & File Won't Let Clinton Get Away
With Her Terrible Crimes - Mocks Email 'Review'
Assange - Clinton Is A Dog For Goldman Sachs, Saudis
Bill Clinton Tells Donors - 'The Border
Won’t Be Secure For A Very Long Time’
Wiki - Clinton Fdn Donors Got Special Treatment
From Sec Clinton - Govt Action For Her Personal Profit
NATO Puts 300,000 Troops On High Alert - WW3 Nears
FBI Agent Suspected Of Leaking Clinton Emails
'Kills Wife, Sets House Ablaze, Kills Self' - Ya Think?
David Oates - Newest Trump-Clinton Speech
Reversals On Election Eve - LISTEN To These!
'No One Tried to Assassinate Trump' In Reno...
But Austyn Crites Shows Up In Wikileaks 7 Times!
Assassination Attempt Of Trump In Reno
CNN Rams Up Propaganda For Clinton Campaign
Rigging The Elections Is Easy - Clint Curtis
VA Gov Pardons 60,000 Felons To Give State To HRC
Tick…Tock…America Is Dying - pdf
Truly Inspirational Film About Donald Trump
Russians Send 100 Tons Of Aid To Aleppo - US Zero
Br Nathanael - What To Do If Hillary Wins
Comey (Threatened?) AGAIN Lets Master Criminal Clinton
Skate - Says The FBI Won't Recommend Indictment !!!
Corrupt DOJ Would Never Allow One To Stand Anyway
CNN Admits Hillary Electors Might Be Below 270
Obama Blatant Treason - Urges Non-Citizen Illegals To Vote
Treasonous Obama Urges Illegal Aliens To Illegally Vote
Enquirer - How Clintons Sought To Influence FBI
Assange - Clinton Is Central Cog Of The Establishment
Egyptian Govt Favors Trump, Fears Clinton Win
Will Arouse Muslim Brotherhood And Terrorism
Podesta's SICK Satanic Sacrifice Office Painting
Podesta, WaPost Article, Photos Of Naked Teens On Walls
Trump's Final Campaign TV AD...Powerful
Clinton Had Her MAID Print Out Classified Materials
NY Post Cover - Hillary Maid Handled Secret Materials
Lovey-Dovey Emails Between Lynn Rothschild And HRC
Ex-CIA Officer Comes With Chilling Hillary Revelation
State Dept Whistleblowers Speak About Clinton
Chelsea Husband Used Clinton Fdn For Hedge Fund
Wiki - Clinton Fdn Paid For Chelsea's Wedding!
SecState Clinton's Fdn Didn't Show $1m Qatar 'Donation'
Leaked Memo - Clinton Foundation Broke The Law
Clinton Fdn Is The Biggest Unprosecuted Fraud Ever
Kirwan - Tick-Tock And The Queen Of Keys
DOJ Letter 'To Assist FBI Probe' Signed By
Podesta Pal Peter Kadzik! - Endless Corruption
Clinton Fdn Admits It Broke The Law In Leaked Memo
FBI Busts Big Child Sex Ring Same Day HRC Reopened
CNN Slime Say No Dems Paid For Trump Rally Violence
Prominent Black Americans Loathe Clinton
Irresponsibly Saying Putin Wants Elections Disrupted
Watch - How Donald Trump Saved A Man’s Life
Man Who Caused Trump Reno Rally Chaos
Turns Out To Be Rabid Clinton Backer
Bernie Supporter Physically Yanked From Hillary Rally
The Ugly Truth About Rigged Elections
Washington Post Anti-Trump Scare Tactics
Terrific New Trump Ad Nails Criminal Clinton
Kim Dotcom - 2016…When Hackers Became
Journalists And Journalists Became Hacks
NYT Shameless Scare Tactics For Hillary
Trump Surge Freakout - Violence vs His Supporters
Clinton’s Foreign Policy & Emerging Nuclear Risks
The Real Test Of The Election - Shadow Govt Emerges
Is America On The Brink Of Civil War?
Russia, Syria Resume Aleppo Aerial Operations
German Protesters Demand Merkel Go
Hitler's Sincere Peace Letter To French President
Iraqi Car Bomb Crisis Actor Fakery Caught On Video
2nd Iranian Trade Conference Exposed US Dirty Play
Mass Protests in India vs Dismantling Sharia Courts
Freelance MSM Journo - Asia Not Divorcing US - Morris
Your Brain On Daylight Savings
How Often Do US Cops Discharge Their Weapons?
Jeff & James Fetzer - Hillary, Huma, Sex Scandals & More
Treasonous Obama Urges Illegal Aliens To Illegally Vote
Marina Abramovic & The Black Tantra Connection
Podesta 'Spirit-Cooking' Satanic Ritual Dinner Hostess
NYPD Reveals CHILD-SEX RING in Clinton Campaign
& DNC involving Members of Congress & Fed. Judges
Insider Reveals Hilary As EVIL, Bisexual Secret Sex Freak
Hillary Paid Woman $500,000 To Lie About Trump!
Letter To Fox By Super Hacker Guccifer -
Hillary High-Ranking Member Of Satanic Cult
Guccifer - Hillary 'High Priest' In Satanic Cult
Hillary Paid Woman $500,000 To Lie About Trump!
Podesta & 'Spirit Cooking' - 'Intimate Satanic Ritual'
Hot Tub Parties With Children - Child Trafficking
Clinton Camp Satanism - Podesta 'Spirit Cooking'
Satanic Rituals, Sacrifice, Blood, Urine, Pedophilia
Podesta & 'Spirit Cooking' - 'Intimate Satanic Ritual'
Hot Tub Parties With Children - Child Trafficking
Clinton Camp Satanism - Podesta 'Spirit Cooking'
Satanic Rituals, Sacrifice, Blood, Urine, Pedophilia
WaPo Hides Story Of Podesta Nude Children Photos
Pedophile Sex Code Words Used In Podesta Emails?
Podesta Practices 'Occult Magic'
WaPo Damage Control - Denies Podesta Satanic Dinner
Why Do Flies Land On The Faces Of Evil People?
Weird Photos Of Hillary And Obama - With Flies
Wiki - Pdesta29 Shows Worry Over Bill's Rogue Lifestyle
Bill Clinton With Underage Sex Toy On Lolita Express?
Clinton Fdn Memo - Meeting With Bill Cost $100,000
Sec State Clinton Took Qatar Money w/o Telling Govt
Wiki - Clinton Knowingly Delayed Benghazi Rescue
Why Clinton is Responsible For Libya, Syria
Hillary Sent Chelsea Info Now Deemed Classified
Wiki Releases 30th Batch Of Podesta Emails
WA State Dem Elector Says He Won't Vote Hillary
FBI Has Evidence Hillary Went To Orgy Island
MSM Asks Hillary Supporters HOW COULD YOU?
Clinton Makes Dead Fish Smell Like Perfume
DHS Chair - Hillary Clinton's Actions Are Treason
Hillary’s Huge Scandal List Explodes To 25
Hillary 2 Hrs Late, Hoarse, Raspy Voice - Meltdown?
FBI Agents - Hillary Is The 'Antichrist Personified'
Huma At Hillary Fundraiser - Heckler 'Muslim Brotherhood!'
Giuliani - Hillary Clinton Is 'Definitely Guilty'
Giuliani - Obama, Clinton Corrupted State Dept & DOJ
Why Haven't Bill & Hillary Clinton Been Imprisoned?
Assange - Hillary Is Funded By ISIS BACKERS
Hillary Knew Saudi, Qatar Funding ISIS
But Still Took Their Money For Clinton Fdn
Gay Traitor Obama Blocks TWO Hillary Indictments
Judge Jeanine - Clinton Foundation Operates 'Like The Mob'
Wiki - Pedophile ‘Code Words’ Found In Podesta Emails
Hillary Clinton’s Satanic Inner Circle
Wiki - Podesta Attended Satanic Cooking’ Party
Israel Shamir To Americans - I Envy You,
FBI Finds Unseen Clinton Emails On Weiner's Laptop
20 Shocking Clinton Scandal Developments In 24 Hrs
Avalanche Of Evidence Should Bury Clinton Permanently
Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton Camp Commit Huge Conspiracy - Caught Hiding 55,000 Emails
At Least 5 Foreign Agencies Hacked Into Hillary Server
99% Certainty Foreign Govts Were Inside Hillary's Server ...Which Didn't Even Have A Password
Obama WH Notified 6 Times When Hillary Changed To A New Email Address - Obama Totally Involved
FBI Sources - 'Indictment Of Clinton Foundation Likely'
Five Separate FBI Probes Of Hillary Innermost Circle
Secret Recordings Fueled Mutinous FBI Probe Of Clintons Despite DOJ Orders To 'Stand Down'
Sen Cotton - Clinton Fdn Largest Money Laundering In World
Hillary's Eyeball Problems Return During Vegas Speech
Hillary Heavily Involved In Selling US Uranium To Russia
Inside Word - FIVE States Hillary Is Set To Steal From Donald Trump And The American Voters
'Biggest Scandal In US History About To Break'
Lawsuit Filed vs Lynch Over Tarmac Mtng w/Bill Clinton
Networks Caught Preparing Hillary Victory Statements
CNN Wages War On Alt Media As Clinton Camp Implodes
Beware Of All Early Network Predictions Next Tuesday
Assange - Wiki Didn't Get Clinton Emails From Russia
Big Things Happening On All Fronts - US Future At Stake
Wiki - Clinton Aides Wanted To Rip Abedin From Weiner
What Does It Take To Bring Hillary Clinton To Justice?
Obama DOJ Blocking TWO Separate Hillary Indictments
As New Huma Emails Discovered - FBI Turns On Obama
Clinton White House Data Stolen From Natl Archives
Convicted Child Abductor Caught Stealing
Children In Haiti WITH The Clintons
Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton Camp Commit Huge
Conspiracy - Caught Hiding 55,000 Emails
20 Shocking Clinton Scandal Developments In 24 Hrs
Avalanche Of Evidence Should Bury Clinton Permanently
Judge Jeanine - Clinton Is Becoming Unhinged
Melania Trump - It Would Be An Honor To Serve America
Obama Is Invading US With Fighting Age Soldier
'Refugees' - Demographic War…A Scorched Earth Policy
Putin Condemns Europe’s Handling Of Migrants
Muslims Bring Diphtheria Back To Denmark
Muslims Destroying Germany's Entire Health Care System
Watch - Savages Bringing Horrific Diseases To EU
Hillary...The Perfection Of A Corrupt System
What COULD Happen If Hillary Indicted Or Steps Down
Source: Rense.com