Burn the Ships
Burn the Ships | Your Perfect Path Coaching

Burn the Ships

The secret to not only achieving your goals and doing it faster than ever before!

It's no secret that to achieve your goals, you need to put in the work. But what if I told you there was a way to make it easier and faster?

Many people believe they need to plan out every detail before they start on something new. This is not true! Burning your ships (abandoning any hope of returning) will help with this because then there is nothing left for you to do but move forward.

You won't be able to go back or regroup; all you can do now is keep moving forward until you accomplish your goal!

A crucial component to achieving your objectives is to eliminate any potential exits. When difficulties or challenges arise, it's easy to want to escape and relax. You must make life more exciting than going back from now on if you want to avoid turning around and quitting your goals.

You must concentrate on what you want to get rather than what you know and are used to when attempting to achieve something. When Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez brought his men ashore in Mexico, one of the first things he ordered them to do was burn the boats.

Cortez was steadfast in his goal and wouldn't let himself or his men have the option of retreating to Spain. Cortez and his men were forced to focus on how they could make the mission a success because of this constraint.

When you cut off an escape route, it gives a new motivation to focus on the goal and keep going. It's crucial to note, however, that while Cortez had his men set fire to the vessels; he did not have them burn the provisions or food.

Taking away a means of escape to heighten motivation and build the desire to continue when you may otherwise call it quits differs significantly from recklessly taking risks. Even though you've achieved your goals, you'll need prudent planning and management to maintain them. Every aim has some danger, but it's not necessary to take unattainable chances for them to be met.

Take chances, but don't be stupid or reckless and expect everything to work out!

Make sure you have the resources and equipment necessary to complete the aim before you set fire to your ships. Quitting your job might appear like a safe way to conclude the escape route, but it may also be a fast route to financial ruin if you don't have any money saved up.

Creating a savings account or having a journey job (a stepping-stone occupation that leads to your desired career) allows you to take the chance of leaving your present employment while still reducing risk.

Make sure you have an interesting reason to go ahead, and that the exits are closed off. However, remember to plan for the danger and have the tools, materials, and resources you'll need to achieve your objectives. Risk cannot be eliminated; however, it may be planned for. Don't just plunge in without thinking about how you'll do it or having a solid strategy.

Connecting With Your Higher-Self

When you want to listen to a particular radio station, you set your radio to that station's frequency. Similarly, when you want to view a certain TV program, all you must do is turn on the television and tune it in. The frequency at which you tuned your radio determines what you hear and see.

The human brain works similarly. We only have two stations to adjust our consciousness to - the ego station and the higher-self station.

The ego station is the one that comes from our programmed mind, which houses all our limiting ideas and phobias. The ego station is our wounded self, or false self - the secure self we learned as children to have control over obtaining love, avoiding pain, and feeling safe.

The ego-wounded-self is a closed circuit. It runs on outdated data that we gained as children, data that is no longer valid or even true. It's not receptive to fresh ideas. It isn't receptive to truth.

The higher-self station, which taps into the limitless data from the world that is beyond our programmed mind, is accessible to all possibilities available to us. The higher-self station, which links us to reality's source of truth, is open to all options present in our environment.

So, how can you change your frequency to that of your higher-self?

Everyone has been handed a "dial" that allows him or her to select either the low-frequency of his or her ego-station or the high-frequency of his or her higher-self station. This is our INTENT.

We're given just two intentions to pick from:

  1. Controlling tendencies intended to get love and avoid suffering, whether it's by controlling actions or thoughts.
  2. The intent to gain knowledge about how to love ourselves and others.

The fear of being alone causes us to be attached to our ego-mind, which lowers our frequency. When we choose this intent/frequency, we are compelled to think the thoughts - the lies - and perform the unloving behaviors that generate anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, stress, anger, jealousy, or envy.

The ego-frequency is the frequency that makes you feel like a victim. We choose to be on this frequency when we choose to have control over getting love and avoiding pain.

We can decide to change our minds and select the intention to learn about what is in our greatest good and the best of all. We may choose to focus on our ego-mind rather than linger trapped within it. When we make the goal of learning more about love, our frequency goes up, allowing us access to the higher-self station.

This is like when you move from your computer to the internet. But it is better because the information we get on the higher-self station is true.

Our addiction to control prevents us from selecting the higher-self station. The ego-mind desires power over our emotions, as well as those of others and events. You will remain trapped in the ego-station if your desire for control exceeds your love for yourself and others, as well as your desire to live.

We accept the ego-station's message that we have power over things beyond our control, such as other people and events. While we can influence our emotions with various addictions, this just makes us unhappier.

Denying our feelings through addiction just causes more suffering, as they are an internal guidance system that alerts us when we're on-track or off-track in terms of thinking and behavior.

When you choose the intention to learn about loving yourself and others, you will encounter pure delight as you access the incredible information that is yours when you are in touch with your higher-self station.

The most important thing in life is to have a sense of purpose!

If you want something bad enough, there's no way that it will be easy or come without challenges. Those are just part of the process and if they're worth achieving, then you'll need to push past them all the same, even when things get tough.

You won't regret staying on target with your goals because once you've achieved them, it feels incredible knowing what you could do against all odds!

Make sure not to give up whenever difficulties arise; instead, make every day more exciting than going back from now on so that there's no chance of turning around and quitting again later down the line.

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Keywords: #Entrepreneurship #RealEstate #Marketing #Sales #Business #Management #Construction


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