Burn Sepsis | EBA Webinar | Wednesday 1 March, 16:00 - 18:30 hrs.
European Burns Association (EBA)
To promote and study the prevention of burn injury and all other aspects of burn treatment in Europe
You still have time to register for the first EBA Webinar of this year, organised by the European Burns Association.
This time, the main topic will be:?'Burn Sepsis'. We are honoured to have Luis Cabral as our host.
Registration is complimentary for EBA members. Non-members pay EUR 25.
Are you joining??
Already 80 participants are joining!
Chairs: Luis Cabral and Nadia Depetris
16:00 Opening – Luís Cabral
16:05 What is Sepsis? – Nuno Príncipe, Intensivist (Portugal)
16:30 Burn Sepsis Clinics and Diagnosis – Athina Lavrentieva, Anesthesiologist (Greece)
16:55 Break
17:20 Sepsis Treatment – Dorothee Boehm, Plastic Surgeon and Intensivist (Germany)
17:45 Considerations in Prescribing Antimicrobial to Burn Patients –?Marisa Caetano, Pharmacist (Portugal)
18:10 Discussion
18:30 Closing – Nadia Depetris
Host & chair: Luis Cabral
Luis Cabral works at the Burns Unit of the Plastic Surgery and Burns Department of Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. He does research in Burns, Infection and Plastic Surgery. His current project is 'Sepsis Biomarkers in Burn Patients.' He is also Professor of Plastic Recontructive Surgery at Coimbra Medical School.
The program will be very interactive with a lot of time for questions!
More information on www.euroburn.org!