Burglary Proof: How the Safe Home Security Solution Protects Your Home From Break-Ins
When you think about your home, what comes to mind? Is it your loved ones, your pets, or your valuables? If you are like most of us, it’s all of them. A home extends beyond the bricks and steel that hold it together, it is a place where you make memories, where you unwind and find peace.
When you think about the milestones you have achieved; from your child learning to walk, acquiring a new skill, or graduating to the next level of your life. Your home is front and center in enabling your success.
If you think about what keeps you up at night, what comes to mind? Someone breaking into your home, your valuables being stolen, or your loved one coming into harm's way? If you are like most of us, it’s all of them. Today, we will learn how you can make your home burglary-proof with the Safe Home security solution. We will learn how it gives you access and control to your home so that what you care for is always secured.
Access your home with CCTV Cameras
Gone are the days when you needed to be in a room with a dozen screens to monitor what was going on in your home. Now you can be in your home, or you can be elsewhere, and you will have your security in the palm of your hands.
Our CCTV cameras connect to an application on your phone, and you can view live footage at any time of the day. Netflix and chilling on the sofa, and you hear a disturbing sound outside? At the supermarket buying groceries, and you need to see what your groundskeeper is doing? Traveling and you left your nanny with the kids? A quick check on your phone and you will know how things are going.
Regain Control with a Panic Button Alarm System?
Being able to monitor your home is the first step of a good security system, but for it to be a great security system you have to be able to get assistance when you need it, and that is where a Panic Button Alarm system comes in.
We provide at least 4 fixed wireless Panic Buttons that are placed strategically in your house. They can cover anywhere from your living room, master bedroom, and kitchen to your patio and two key fobs that a household manager, caretaker, or anyone who doesn’t have access to the phone application, but lives in your home can carry. You might ask, what do the panic buttons and key fobs help with?
Picture this, you are at home playing Scrabble with your kids, or you are at the supermarket, or traveling, and you see someone suspicious in your compound on your live CCTV footage. What do you do? Simply press the physical Panic Buttons in your home, or the virtual one on your phone and whether it’s an intruder or even a false alarm, our emergency team of armed or unarmed guards will be there in minutes.
Make Your Home Burglary Proof with Intrusion Detection
A great home security system knows that a homeowner won’t always be alert. You won’t always be checking your CCTV footage because let's face it, you are too busy living your best life: That is, chasing your passions, hanging out with your friends, and making memories with your family. So what happens when there is an intrusion while you are doing all these things?
The Safe Home security solution has you covered on that too. With door magnetic contacts at the entry points of your house, an alarm will go off anytime someone tries to force their way in. Simply turn it on when you are going to sleep, or when you know you will be spending the whole day indoors, and in case of an intrusion, the alarm will go off, and our team will be there in minutes.
Now that you have learned the developments in Home Security and how they improve your day-to-day life, don’t let your friend or loved ones go another day without this comprehensive Safe Home security solution.