There are a bunch of people 'out there' who don't really know a lot about me....

There are a bunch of people 'out there' who don't really know a lot about me....

......So I thought I'd share a bit about ME and how that leads into the business journey of me.

I haven't always been 'successful'. I haven't always FELT like I've had my shit together. Far from it!!!

I worked in corporate for 12 years, and early on in my corporate career I was in a DV relationship and I didn't realise it. One would think that this is something that you would KNOW.. but I didn't have the CONSCIOUS realisation of what I was in.

It was like water slowly boiling. It takes a long time to get to the point where you FEEL the boilingness of the water.

Anyway, what happened from there, was I DID realise that I could literally die and something needed to change.

So, I did what needed to happen to extricate from that situation and have been 'throwing myself off the bridge' regularly!!

I met my now husband and made the 'big' decision to relocate 4+ hours away from my family. This was a HARD decision.

I was able to shift positions with my job, so I didn't need to find another employer, but needed to take on a different role to what I had previously. I didn't 'want' to do that, and moved anyway!

I then decided to start my own business. I had NO idea how to do this, so I just started. I built my own website, started sourcing the product, reached out to the people that I could find locally to get my stuff out there.

Then I decided to expand my training and participated in my next training. Didn't know HOW it was going to work, but I knew I needed to do it! Again, I leaped and did what I needed to do.

The same thing happened when I decided to resign from my job. There was no safety net. No going back. I HAD to make it work! I was scared. Excited. And so I leaped.

When I find a mentor to work with, I was scared at the investment I was required to make, yet, I found a way to get it to work. (Even when I had 'no' money).

So I think you can see the pattern here.

I worked out what I needed to do and wanted to do and I JUMPED.

I squished my eyeballs together and jumped SCREAMING the whole way!! Hahhaaaa!!!!

So when you're thinking about something and you're telling yourself "I don't have everything lined up yet" and "I don't know how to do this" and even "I'm so scared to do this but I know I need to" then YOU KNOW that you're in the BEST place possible to make the next leap for YOU.

We leap before we're ready. Otherwise, the water just progressively gets hotter and hotter until FINALLY you're BOILING and you HAVE to get out - if you can get out in time.

Moral of the story?

You could be in the shittiest position of your life...
You may not know what you don't know yet..


It's the only way it works!!


Otherwise, everything remains the same. And in 12 months time, you'll message me and nothing will have changed.


It's always scary and exciting. And thrilling and exhilarating. And I always say that every leap requires a bit of a vom!!!!

Nicola Moras    x

Jenny Page Franceschi

Managing Director at Kings Tours and Travel Pty Ltd

8 年

Nicola is amazing!


