Bunch of hooey?
Hooray! Motivation! Set goals! Go for it! Woot Woot! Find your Passion! Find your Purpose! Is all this hype and external drive and direction bull or does the motivational 'HOOEY' somehow seem to resonate with you? Does absorbing motivational messaging work for anyone in the long run? Can someone besides yourself, delivering a message actually inspire you into action? If you are a living, breathing, thinking and passionate person, without a doubt, outside positive messaging and motivation can and will work when you are open to change. If you truly are content with the status quo and have completely abandoned self improvement or personal achievement in any fashion, the messaging and motivation could be quite annoying. Some people, not all, haven't any time for self introspection or to move their personal needle of self improvement. I am not one of those people. I have fire in my heart and fuel in my soul. Life is amazing to me and at anytime, when I can take in jewels of wisdom from someone else who has the desire to motivate, I will. Hooey for me, is no bull shit.
Self improvement is paramount to passion and purpose and without it in your daily life, the grind can become overwhelmingly stressful and quite frankly, just not fun. There is a place for super energized individuals that are destined to bring excitement, energy and motivation into your circle of influence. People trained to inspire and to deliver a message. I've had the honor of being brought into an environment to change perceptions and influence out the negative by infusing a message with my delivery capabilities. And when it comes to passion and purpose a little motivation can go a long way. I've always been a seeker of others' that would have the ability to change my perception for increased results. Have their abilities to transform me mentally always been successful? Not always, but, when I can walk away with one nugget that has inspired me for change or success within self, it's magic.
Passion, purpose and your life possibilities begin when you change your mind. It's an 'urge' and if you don't feel it, nothing will move the needle. Do you have it in you?
- Does the day feel like a burden or does it feel like you are in syncopation with the ebb and flow of time and space?
- Do you have inspiration that comes often or are you battling negative thoughts.
- Are you concerned with the business of others or are you concerned with making YOUR impact on the world and others?
- Do you have a product the market wants or are you pushing a rope?
- Are you your own best brand in every aspect or are you shorting yourself and others of who you were meant to be?
- Do you see opportunities or do you see strife?
- Do you let the knock downs keep you down or do the the knock downs put you on track for a stronger future?
- You owe it to yourself to do something you love every single day!
- Do you bring some 'HOOEY' in so you can be the best you! Self Care and Self Love supersedes what others think of you. Do something for you!
- List out and know your dreams intimately and, never give up on your passions, your purpose while watching for all the unfolding possibilities before you. Possibilities are everywhere!
Anne Spieker changes perceptions daily and lives a life of self love and success due to feeling the pain and overcoming every battle. You can too. Everything you want can be within your view. Have the passion, feel your purpose and grab those opportunities.
You can reach Anne at [email protected] or 920-860-1158.