A Bunch of Guys From High School
Social media caused reunions to change. The reunion five years earlier- I was out of the area and starting a new job so I could not attend- had more people and more mystery. In the Facebook era people give updates on their jobs, children, relationships and everything else.
It's nice. I am interested in hearing about someone's children. Just because I never had them myself- I knew I forgot something. Left to right from the back: I forget the first person. What's the point of having a strong memory if I cannot place the name and the face? I wonder if he's a husband and they were trying to beef up the crowd.
There is a picture of the women who attended on this evening. I was not sent that picture. I would recall every last one of them. The second one in is David Hurley. I didn't know him too well.
Sometimes I have negative recollections of people. You cannot judge someone on one moment from high school. David came up and was well received by the ladies. They kept up with him and our paths simply did not cross. There was no denying Brad Felling.
What's with the gold chain? He was Class President. I had a preexisting relationship with Tom C. He wanted to be Class President and the faculty disallowed his candidacy at the last minute. I almost canvassed for him.
Thomas is a Hebrew name that means "The Twin". When someone said "Hi, Tom" they were probably addressing Tom C. When a teacher called that name and we were both in the class- they asked me the question. I should do this in the format you expect so next on the hit parade is:
Emmett Ruland
The subject of my 2017 Season Finale, the fourth most significant person from my childhood and most importantly: the first friend made at St. James and the last person who put up with me at O'Connell. If there were social media a few years earlier- he lived in Anthem, Arizona and I was about twenty miles south. We had a good time. I rarely have a more receptive audience. He is a good friend for all time and he had an even better relationship with:
Thomas Brophy
Thomas is a twin. For the seven years we went to school there were some who liked him more than Jeremiah. Others preferred Jeremiah. You can like them both as they are interesting. There was too much unnecessary completion in school. Not sure if everyone's a winner. You cannot go wrong with:
Josh Heinzelman
Josh was friends of friends. It was great whenever we got together. Since he lives in Vienna as my sister does it's a little surprising we have not crossed paths. We are connected- he is one of the sixty I knew in life who are in my LinkedIn network. Should I tag him? How about the next man. Is he a priest?
No, I wore a black shirt with one open button (take that, Old man Gutter) and a white T-shirt. Sometimes I wear that combo to nightclubs and people think I am working. I am followed by two twins. The first is:
Dennis Callahan
We spoke. He recalled me fondly. He and Matthew are four days older than I am. Yeah, so? I was expected on their birthday. It's annoying enough sharing a birthday with a twin. Half the messages are "Wish Matt a happy birthday" which could be a courtesy. It could also mean they should seek out the other. If there is a bigger authority on twins it is:
Bernie Schultz
He has a twin sister. There is another set of twins in their family. Luck of the draw- they actually have "Two twins" which is four people. Bernard would not want to have someone refer to the Senator from Vermont who shares his first name.
I probably spoke to him more than any on this evening. It's always a pleasure. He mentioned a Guidance Counselor said he "Wasn't college material." That same Guidance Counselor jumped on me as if that would inspire better performance.
She might as well have punched me in the stomach. At the time Bernie was attaining his doctorate and worked in colleges with students- probably to show they had value. In front of him, now going right to left is:
Frank Nava
I had a lot of classes with Frank. He was good to know in school and forever more. That St. Thomas More group- give me enough time and I'll recall which parish everyone came from. Ed Keller and Mike Wilkinson were in that school and not with us on that evening. You can't have the reunion you want. You get the reunion you have bringing us to:
Chris Blake
The girls always liked him. I mostly recall him from one of Ed's childhood pictures where Chris, Frank and various others were at his birthday party. They might have been eight. Long relationships are always good. You may not make friends with everyone. Everyone was friendly. Some are romanticized. If I saw the picture of the women I would rhapsodize about them. Does that mean I should wax rhapsodic about:
Doug Maines
Our paths did not cross often. He was usually in groups. He and Josh were good friends. I know he likes the Chargers so he must suffer for many years with a team that is almost good and so nondescript they are still called the San Diego Chargers. Just beat the Chiefs. He had a really nice relationship with out final classmate. Did I save the best for last? Enjoy the stylings and dry humor of:
David Brown
He and his wife travel a lot. They appreciate a good bottle of wine and is always enjoyable at functions. At a later event with many classmates one year behind me- not having a picture has put off describing that night- I noticed no one here peaked in high school.
A lot of my life remains in that era. Stupid divorce- it makes me like a fly in amber. It is nice seeing people from various eras in my life. There is a special affinity to this group and it was a good night.
This was the night where I went home around five. As a younger man I might have stayed all night. There was no "Overnight Scenario" with married women. Greg Algie was there and not in the picture. I shall end by paying tribute to Josh Roffmann. He was active on social media and skipped this picture to get a leg up in the bar. This would be the last time I saw him as he passed in 2020.
It pays to show up. I missed a lot of school due to taunting and the aggravation of divorce. I used all my Mental Health days and now I can show up whenever and see some people who forgot about me. As the man once said: "It's not where you're from, it's where you're at".