BunB conference program update
Anne Nigten
Directeur CASE Centre for Arts & Sciences Education at Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Balance-Unbalance 2018, New value Systems; Sustainability and social impact as drivers for value creation. Today there is a growing interest in rethinking our (Western) economic model that is based on unlimited growth that exhausts our natural resources. This topic is often approached from a monetary angle. BunB however, aims to contribute to this debate with critical reflection on ecological and social values and the opportunities that arise. The theme will be shaped in the conference morning sessions by our 4 splendid international keynote speakers who will take us on a big picture journey to learn about the construction of alternative economies (Brett Scott, UK); How the (ecological) crisis could work as a game changer for transitions (prof. Derk Loorbach, NL); The need for unusual collaborations for climate resilience in area’s with ecological disasters (Fleur Monasso, NL); The hidden ecological impact of our consumer life (Babette Porcelijn, NL). Balance-Unbalance (BunB) is an annual International Conference designed around art and design as catalysts to explore intersections between nature, science, technology and society.
The full program with papers, artist statements, workshops, panels and expo is available now !