Bulletin 7, the Maturity of Technology: New challenges & Experiences of TECH transfer

Bulletin 7, the Maturity of Technology: New challenges & Experiences of TECH transfer


1.1.Technological Maturity (TRL)

1.1.1.???? New tendencies

After the event of the pandemic (2020-22) there was a great concern to discuss the tools of government decision launching 45 bulletins on LINKEDIN and with the production of important articles. The resumption of activities at the University intensified the new courses offered for undergraduate and graduate students. The book, as already mentioned, was written, previously edited, and published in 2022.

The challenges accepted in the face of UFBA's difficulties during and after the Pandemic period indicate new trends regarding the direction of research and future activities to be developed at the University. As Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) at UFBA (March 2021 to March 2023), in the meetings of the Congregation of the of Engineering School, I accepted the invitation to be Director of Engineering School Research Foundation, and, in 2021-23, I accepted the challenge presented by the Rectory to design and execute the Fire Prevention and Control Program at UFBA.

During this period, therefore, this researcher accepted roles in the administration of UFBA and associated: Head of the DEM Department, General Director of FEPBA, Coordinator of the PPEQ, Supervisor of the master’s Class of the CBM, and Leadership of the PPCI. The new book from Elsevier and the political positions held decreased the paper publication in this period.

The arrival of an officer from the Fire Department to participate in Extension Research with the Research Group on Operational and Dynamic Risk Management (GRODIN), led by this researcher, resulted in publications, participation in the organization in the Mass Disaster Congress CIDEM, and holding lectures to prepare events for Public Security in Bahia. At the same time, the Rectory of UFBA invites the leadership of GRODIN to organize the master’s degree in Crisis Management demanded by the Bahia Fire Department CBMBA along with the Postgraduate Program in Public Security at the School of Administration (PROGESP).

The Program approved and signed by a contract between the University and the Fire Department took almost 3 years to start, unfortunately political issues impacted this important undertaking, and we lost opportunity to have master’s during the COVID-19 Crisis.

The invitation to lead the Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering PPEQ), in a quick passage (5 months in 2023), understanding the obligations of Coordination of an Academic program, PPEQ, allowed to perceive the distance of the scientific world in relation to the needs for technological demands by the industry, leading also to pass on the difficulties between the academic world and Public Security.

Apart from these events, the offer for Solutions in the Energy and Crisis area during LACPS. At the same time, represent FEPBA in Mission and Meetings in Rio de Janeiro in the search for financing, indicates a forecast regarding the need for reorganization of institutions, companies, and agencies to face the Energy, Social, Economic challenges in the subsequent periods.

On this occasion, ANP invites GRODIN to participate in a Public Consultation where we were speakers on the importance of reviewing and knowing how to implement managerial changes resulting from the New Regulations for the Petroleum Industry, Operational Safety in the five Modes of Exploration and Production, which includes onshore, offshore, and subsea.

Knowledge and previous practice around energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions from the change of practices in the operation (RLAM-BRASKEM cooperation) contributed to the construction of the work presented at LACPS in RJ, on organizational design for sustainability, the which resulted in an invitation to participate in the GSOP (Tom Hems, AICHE USA) regarding intense actions by Engineering to avoid the new stage of Climate Change, which will be irreversible. Other additional comments on follow-up work on this research proposal:

ü? Visions, and Technological Development Procedures prepared from the University based on experiences with the respective graduate courses.

ü? Risks in Projects by Research Foundations and framing the urgent demands of society.

ü? Strategies for Saving Water and Energy, possibility of accidents, and preparing skills for coming Crises.

ü? New models for Research Notices, Scholarships, Extension Platforms.

ü? Approximation of regulatory and financing agencies, as well as approximation of suppliers and demanders for technology, in Industry and Public Institutions for Crisis Management.

ü? Simplification to enable the University and the Polytechnic School to offer Services and Specializations for Cities, and Industry, authorizing agility in the execution and in the Technology transference.

ü? New Specializations that bring the University closer to Society and help prepare to face Crises.

·??????? CEEST, Occupational Safety Engineering

·??????? CEPI, Fire Prevention Engineering

·??????? ADAE, Audit and Analysis of water and energy availability

·??????? CSST, Reliability in Socio-Technical Systems

·??????? CEEST-Crisis, Work Engineering with an emphasis on Crisis

ü? New disciplines for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in Engineering and Administration:

·??????? Human and Sociotechnical Reliability.

·??????? Human Factors; Risk Perception.

·??????? Energy Efficiency; Energy and Water Availability Analysis.

·??????? Process Safety and Crisis Control in the Industry

·??????? Organizational Resilience; Strategic Intelligence

·??????? Fire Risk Analysis: Industry and Buildings in Cities

·??????? Incident Command Systems; Crisis Management.

Organizational leaders have drawn attention to the need to develop methods and techniques, to avoid accident, energy, and material losses, and their effective dissemination in the Company and in the Society. In this intention, there is an effort in the preparation of books to facilitate training of this new Vision. Thus, a book was published in 2022 (Elsevier), and a three-book series slated to be released in December 2024 (Francis & Taylor).

1.1.1.???? Technology transfer

The dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge is confirmed when the suggested proposal includes Scientific Conferences, Magazines in addition to Meetings, Industrial and Applied Congresses, as is the case in the Oil Industry, Chemical-Petrochemical and Public Safety. The development of new disciplines for undergraduate and graduate courses is another way found to transfer this knowledge related to preparation for emergencies and crises, returning to the training of researchers. The offer of specialization courses also brings this knowledge and tools closer to the society that demands answers. Finally, the presence of these themes in the master’s brings the research component to facilitate the continuous feeding of this transfer, in constant updating. In Annex are the supporting documents of the following projects and the respective transferred products.

The transfer of technology for multidisciplinary subjects occurs with differentiated products and the respective behaviors between partners in the research routine and in the dissemination-validation of results. Understand how multidisciplinary issues include reliability to avoid accidents, the development of good practices to reduce process losses, the review of operational procedures to improve communication at work, the control of stress in risky activities during emergencies, and the review of equipment designs and their interfaces such as operations.

The Objects in the transfer of technology during projects and services can be operations in the petrochemical, chemical and refining industries, in addition to action to improve the effectiveness of public contingency services in the crisis. The Objectives may be related to reducing energy and material losses, saving water, recovering reliability, preparing methods for decision-making based on modeling and audits of good practices, and reducing social and human losses in government actions.



Partner company Braskem Petrochemical. Period: 2009-2011.

Products transferred: Audit of Cooling Towers, Energy Balance in process streams and utilities, Global energy balance, Energy Cost Calculation according to changes in Raw Material. Results: ECOBRASKEM 3, Radical modifications after Cooling Tower Audit, relationship with treater and utilities engineering.

b) ?? Project Water-FAFEN

FAFEN-Water Project. Financing: Oil Royalties.

Partner company FAFEN Petrobrás Northeast Fertilizer Factory.

Period: FAFEN water 1 2009 to 2010, FAFEN water II 2010 to 2012

Transferred products: Water rationalization, reduction in the source of effluent contamination, and water master plan. FAFEN-water LEAD RESEARCHER.

c)???? Project RLAM Cooperation with UFBA

No financing. Partner company RLAM Refinaria Landulfo Alves de Mataripe.

Period: 2017 to 2019. Products transferred: Auditing and Modeling of Cooling Towers, Good Energy Practices Indicator, Energy Reliability Indicator.

d)???? Project TECH Service Risk Perception

Risk Perception Service Project. Financing by Industry. Partner company: BASF Chemical. Period: 2019. roducts transferred: Risk Perception Level Analysis and Quali quantitative Diagnosis. Diagnosis of safety culture based on the Human Factors Network would be the second stage.

e)???? Project Professional Master

Financing from the Government of the State of Bahia. Partner company CBMBA Fire Department of Bahia. Period: 2021-23. Products in transfer: Professional Master's Program for the Fire Department, Crisis Management, in the implementation phase. The Master's degree will allow you to identify cognitive and managerial gaps in contingency actions.

Carolina Amaro

Gerente de Projetos | Scrum Master | Especialista em Projetos | Inova??o e Tecnologia | óleo e Gás

1 年

Foram muitos desafios e aprendizados nos projetos Braskem e RLAM!

Alexandre Almeida

TVM Integration Engineer at Ford | Project Management | Production Engineer

1 年

Well done, teacher! You rock!


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