Bulk Carriers Classifications
Credit : Institute Of Chartered Ship Brokers

Bulk Carriers Classifications

Today Let's go through the #classifications /Types of #BulkCarriers in market

Hear we will see the types of ships and their Dead weight (DW) of the ship.(DW means the weight of all variables-Cargo, Fuel, Supplies, Crew, Provision...etc)

According to #ics the classifications of Bulk Carriers are as follows,

#HandySize = 25,000 - 40,000 dwt

#Handymax = 40,000 - 60,000 dwt

#Panamax = 60,000 -75,000 dwt

#Kamsarmax = 82,000dwt

#Minicapebulker = 95,000 - 1,25,000dwt

#capesize = 1,25,000 - 3,00,000 dwt

#vloc (Very large ore carrier) = 2,00,000 - 4,00,000 dwt

In the next article, we will dig deep into the above ships' classifications/types.

#ICS #marineknowladge #shipping #imu #imuchennai #portknowladge #chatering #bulkcarriers #portagency


