Building Your Security Program
An effective security program begins with tough considerations to make with leadership and your own team. Lucky for you, we've outlined four key considerations to make when building your security program, including:
Now Available: Standard Operating Procedure Templates
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are an essential and vital component of any security plan. They provide a clear and concise set of guidelines to help your security team understand their roles and responsibilities no matter how long they have been on the job.?We're outlining ALL the benefits of SOPs in a new blog here.
This starter packet includes templates for SOPs that can be customized and used for your global security operations center (GSOC) operators to follow during incident triage.
Product Focus: Command Center
Account Executive Katie Hathaway said it best when she said, "Enough with the band-aid solutions!" in her latest blog.
"What I’ve learned in the last few months – and during our time at ISC West this year – is that there are a lot of band-aid solutions out there that are doing a disservice to security teams.?And here’s where I make the bold claim: HiveWatch? Command Center is everything you need to run your security operations."
In this article, she talks about how Command Center is used to make security operations more efficient and provide a centralized location for critical resources that are needed across security teams.
HiveWatch News Roundup
And in other HiveWatch news: