Building your MES/MOM implementation & support team
Andrew Sparrow
Driving Supply Chain Excellence: Integrating Advanced Manufacturing, Data Analytics, & Sustainability Initiatives for Resilience & Agility. Consultant | Speaker | Author | Live Shows. The Product Lifecycle Enthusiast
This week, I'm falling short of my agnostic approach across PLM, ERP & MES/MOM and instead touching on a solution that we implement each day as part of our Consulting & Systems Integration business. Nevertheless, I believe the point applies to any "application world", where demand outstrips supply and so I hope you'll read on and gain some value.
Today's article dives into building your Delmia - Apriso implementation and future support team:
As we're heard to say each day "There's really no new ideas and no new vision that you haven't already heard before. The bottom-line is - can you execute?"
As we come through COVID there's ever increasing demand for the Gartner?Magic Quadrant Leader for MES, from Dassault Systemes - Apriso.
When integrated with your ERP - Level-4, into the Supply Chain and upstream to?PLM, you have a 4th Industrial Revolution Vertically and Horizontally integrated, moving to an automated enterprise.?
But finding the team to execute on the dream, is a whole different matter!
The Apriso world and delivering this market leading solution:
and so, 1st up:
Why MES?
Typically, the main goal of MES is to ensure manufacturing operations are executed at optimum efficiency and the resulting production output is improved. MES can help companies reach that goal through tracking and gather data in real-time in the context of the production lifecycle.
Your MES can collect so much data regarding your product, including performance, materials management, factory activities, traceability, and product genealogy. This data can then be used to get a better understanding of the factory floor in real-time and to optimize the production process for the long-term.
To understand what exactly a manufacturing execution system does, it helps to understand the system’s architecture.
The key functions of a basic MES model include:
There are several benefits in using an MES:
Why Apriso?
Let me say it again, it’s a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for MES!
DELMIA Apriso provides a unified approach to achieve and sustain manufacturing execution across all operations, by enhancing visibility, control and synchronization. The unified suite of manufacturing software applications can coordinate all of your manufacturing operations – within the plant, across the enterprise, and out to the extended supply chain.
Thanks to Apriso you can gain true enterprise-wide manufacturing visibility and intelligence, delivered directly to your desktop, mobile device, executive dashboard or through your ERP system.?
DELMIA Apriso Global Manufacturing Suite provides global management of processes, performance, and visibility, magnifying the impact of operational improvements across the whole enterprise.
Define Best Practices Locally, Deploy Globally
The DELMIA Apriso Global Process Manager gives you the power to manage and control manufacturing excellence on a global scale. Leading manufacturers are using this application to implement standardized manufacturing processes and manage best-practices globally to continuously improve responsiveness to changing market conditions, quality demands and supplier constraints.
DELMIA Apriso Global Process Manager easily shares processes developed in DELMIA Apriso with all plants, extending the value across the enterprise.
Meet Industry-Specific Requirements
Business processes can be governed more effectively and efficiently through paperless work instructions, with audit trails to meet regulatory requirements for your specific industry. Global Process Manager helps to consolidate and maintain a history of "as-built," "as-deployed" and "as-maintained" data from each operation center and logistics operation, providing electronic revision control and approval while supporting the global deployment of best practices.
The system takes full advantage of DELMIA Apriso's language and time zone globalization features while integrating with third-party PLM/PDM systems, helping to compare "as-designed" instructions with "as-built" for continuous process and design improvement.
Achieve Real-time Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence
Global competition and increasingly complex supply chain operations place enormous pressure to improve efficiency, accelerate throughput, and increase quality for a lower total cost. Enterprise manufacturing intelligence solutions help achieve these objectives, resulting in greater visibility and increased manufacturing excellence across globally distributed operations.
DELMIA Apriso delivers this capability with DELMIA Apriso Manufacturing Process Intelligence (MPI), a DELMIA Apriso application that ensures enterprise manufacturing intelligence is readily available to enable faster decision support.
Improve Visibility, Synchronization and Control
Manufacturing Process Intelligence (MPI) gives you broad, real-time visibility to shorten cycle time, reduce scrap and rework, increase quality, and achieve better schedule adherence. MPI is pre-configured to work with Microsoft Excel and can be accessed by other popular 3rd party applications.A new generation of self-service reporting tools were designed to evolve with DELMIA Apriso roles, further expanding MPI’s capabilities. MPI identifies costly bottlenecks or constraints to accelerate decisions that can maximize efficiency, reduce inventory and lower costs.
Delivered as a completely integrated DELMIA Apriso solution for enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence or as an enhancement to an existing manufacturing execution system (MES), MPI dramatically reduces the time and cost of collecting and aggregating operational data.It provides a global view for plant supervisors, production engineers, and analysts with KPIs derived from manufacturing data.
Furthermore, MPI Intelligence Packs complement this solution through pre-configured analytics,?dashboards and reports.
Leverage Big Data
Manufacturers need a way to consolidate data from their own disparate manufacturing, quality and warehousing systems, as well as external sources throughout the supply and distribution of products.
DELMIA Apriso Global Traceability consolidates detailed product, genealogy and event data from multiple plants and systems into a single, global repository. Combined with a global manufacturing platform that utilizes native Business Process Management (BPM) capabilities, Global Traceability provides a flexible and adaptive application that can fit into any IT environment.
Global Track and Trace Initiatives
Manufacturers must closely track production processes both within and beyond the four walls of the factory. DELMIA Apriso Global Traceability provides a powerful framework to visualize and monitor detailed product genealogy and traceability data to proactively ensure compliance and protect the brand.
A coordinated, collaborative response to any quality issue can minimize immediate impact, as well as accelerate responsiveness to reduce risk of “escapes”. Data provided by DELMIA Apriso Global Traceability is an ideal foundation for cross site process benchmarking, predictive analysis and continuous improvement or planning systems.
Protect Your Brand
DELMIA Apriso Global Containment Manager provides full control of rapid response to quality issues on a global basis by helping to identify and contain suspect parts until an investigation is conducted and a corrective action is taken. This is an essential element to avoid catastrophe.
As a key element of your quality improvement strategy and overall quality management system, DELMIA Apriso Global Containment Manager serves first and foremost to help protect your brand and improve customer satisfaction.
Prevent Costly Quality Escapes
DELMIA Apriso Global Containment Manager makes your organization more proactive and responsive when dealing with quality escapes globally, thereby reducing the incidence of product recalls or quality non-conformance events.
And, in regulated industries, it helps drive down the cost of maintaining regulatory compliance by centralizing product traceability and genealogy data, including tracking quality containment activities, which are immediately available in case of an audit.
DELMIA Apriso Global Containment Manager forms a core element of any organization’s overall quality system, whether a problem occurs in their own manufacturing processes or originates from one of their suppliers.
How do you deliver?
Implementing an MES is a complex and demanding undertaking. But there are various opportunities to reduce the time and complexity of install:
1. Understand what drives your business
It starts and it ends here - using your business drivers and objectives as a guideline will keep your implementation project going in the right direction. Establishing a stakeholder consensus and visibility of the primary business drivers will help you make the right decisions when selecting and designing your MES. Being able to refer to the business drivers will also make it easier to mobilize and maintain support for the process across your organization.
2. How ready are you?
MES implementation projects have a high level of complexity, simply because of the large number of variables and deliverables, millions of transactions happening simultaneously and a diverse group of stakeholders having different priorities.
The job is to harmonize often different locations, different products & processes and no matter where, different cultures.
It is vital when you are starting an MES project to have a clear vision of what is needed and the project plan of how it will be advanced (e.g. do you use partners or an in-house team) and what should the end result look like. Achieving this without guidance is challenging.?
3. Standardize whenever you can
There is simply no rational reason not to take advantage of the wealth of industry standards that exist, complete with templates and detailed guidelines.??
4. Choose The Right Partner
The choice of the right approach and partner for your MES implementation is critical for your success. To make that right choice, asking the right questions is key:
In meeting with potential partners it should be ensured that they are given a very clear and very detailed picture of what the core team believes is to be achieved through the MES deployment and by when. Gather the prospective partner’s views on establishing timelines, exploring potential vendors and affirming goals which have been set internally are reasonable and achievable.?
Refuse the rookies! Interview each Consultant and know the experience you're really getting!
5. Choose the Right Team
“Interview them all” leads nicely into “Choose the right team” - As is the case in any successful business pursuit, the right set of people on the project makes all the difference.
In an MES project, it is absolutely critical to have the right mix of personnel in the selection through implementation team:
What is important is to have personnel with deep functional insights and the ability to see beyond their own priorities and align to the long-term vision. They should also be willing to see the entire project through as active participants.
The Leader’s role in captaining the project and keeping it on track is critical; the person chosen should be a person who values reason and leads through logic, but at the same time knows how to rally both internal and external parties to deliver what must be achieved from a project perspective.
A leader equipped with in-depth knowledge of operations and IT projects, who knows the drivers behind the MES project, and a team that has the singular goal to have the MES project succeed (realizing how it will help improve their daily work-life) is the right team.
6. Benefit from the experience of others
Get experienced advisors on board before you even begin to consider starting your MES implementation process. They will help you avoid the numerous pitfalls and mistakes that others have struggled with during an MES implementation. Find an Apriso expert to be your right hand man/woman, who in turn will see the problems arising before they arrive.
7. The Right Goals
Once a base understanding of why & where your MES is needed, the next stage is to establish clear goals and deliverables.
The approach to determining what an MES needs to deliver should come from the analysis and base document prepared in conjunction with the internal stakeholders. Strategic goals should be considered and the goals of the MES project must be aligned with those.
9. The Timeline
Budget and Timelines will always be the greatest challenge - as most architects would say; “you can have anything you want, it just depends how much money and how much time you’ve got!”
There is no point implementing an MES project that will last for years and find upon completion that new industry dynamics, technologies and offerings have made your solution obsolete.
Establishing the right timelines, build in contingencies, because no one thinks of everything, especially at a complex, granular level. Your Partner and your in-house Program Leader need to work on the micro timeliness to ensure the details are thought through. This is where a depth of experience at an Apriso, MES and industry process become very needed.
“You don’t know, what you don’t know” unless you’ve been there before!
Plant by plant, functional release by functional release.
While setting the timeline, the most important thing to remember is that project should be divided into critical milestones, but should not end at the rollout, but rather should continue until the MES is delivering the very goals which it was supposed to in the plan.
So, setting up deliverables, deploying an application pilot, re-iterate and follow with the larger deployment, while stabilizing and monitoring the process/processes, should all be considered while setting initial timelines, keeping a well-defined margin for contingencies.
Once the timeline is set, regular milestone reviews which involve all relevant parties, including the consultants, vendor and the MES project team, should occur to an established schedule, with updates should be provided to top management accordingly, to ensure that the implementation remains on track.
In my experience, it’s exactly here where a Partner with an experienced team in each role will demonstrate real intelligence and detail through the requirements gathering, design, development and implementation.
Building the team?
Customers choosing Delmia Apriso as a Gartner "best of breed" MES deserve the best skills to deliver, don't they?
They deserve people who understand their business, its processes, the Apriso technology & implementation challenges/solutions and the new Digital Culture 4.0 of Agility, Fail-Fast Learn-Quicker and collaboration.
For 18 months now, my team and I have been gradually talking to the global skills in the market across North & South America, Europe and Asia to understand their personal goals and strategies. It's really exciting to hear the passion for the Apriso "platform", but many are unaware of the rapid emergence in demand and the future that lies ahead for their new found skills.
It reminds me of my time in SAP-ERP back in the 90s when being in the right place at the right time meant new found wealth for many. However, it was those with the passion, the determination to excel at what they did and to focus on the prize of making a difference within the organization that prospered over the long-term.
Today, we seek out those with the passion for and experience of the Apriso solution. That talent deserves a position with an organization and project that appreciates what they do.
If that's you? Let us talk to you and together explore your future
The Resource Solution
While today, our efforts to find the very best are starting to pay-off in finding great Apriso talent those great Apriso projects with XD Innovation, we can see already an emerging shortage of good people around the world. What must we do?
Here’s what’s working for us…
Look After What We Have:?There are people with good experiences already and we owe it to them to invest in them to enhance their business, industry, technical and cultural skills on an ongoing basis. Treat them like family and invest in their future. No Apriso Consultant should be left to merely get on with their job - they need investment and treating well for all our futures.
Bring Attention To The Apriso “platform”:?We need to tell the world what is going on and why. Bring attention to Apriso so that more take up an interest, invest in themselves and start to learn these new application skills.
Transportable:?Not only is there a shortage of skills, but it's clear much of the talent is in the wrong place at the wrong time and we need to free up those borders to allow for the transportability of skills around the world to those high impact companies that need up those Work Permits!
Remote working:?So far, without exception the Apriso projects we work on have allowed all our consultants to work remotely. We believe for international projects, we need international consultants and they’ll work productively remotely and travel to site when necessary. The new “post” COVID-19 culture has brought down the borders and allowed us to engage dynamically with some of the best around the world.
Re-train:?There are some great people out there with the predecessor to Apriso, namely FlexNet, and others with strong alternate MES functional and development skills. They're bright, know industry, business and MES/MOM, but need someone to invest in them to bring them through as strong Apriso Consultants.?
Start-up your CoE:?Establish your physical platform, namely your Centre of Expertise. Start-up your Apriso CoE with a core team of staff and some contractors and start to build your industry platform models while employing new "rookies" for training. Start to build your resources for the future.
Andrew Sparrow
Smarter Innovation & Product Lifecycle Management & Manufacturing: People, Teams & Business Solutions enabled through Change & Technology
Sometimes you need a real expert to help decide what's next and sometimes you need an entire team and sometimes you need an entire program delivering.
Delivering the entire PLM & Smart Manufacturing application layer, along with integration to ERP and moving your people to adopt new ways of working, is the holistic approach we take. It's the quality of our people and their experience that makes the difference.
If we can help you through your Smarter Manufacturing journey, you just have to ask
I'm a huge believer in constant change.
Standing still is going backwards
Oh, I can "boil the ocean" with the best of them, but let's not live there. Analysis leads to paralysis. Dreaming of & waiting for perfection is the enemy of execution.
Do something, get some quick wins and start building momentum.
I like to bring attention to Innovation, Smart Manufacturing, Global People Integration & Human Sustainability - I Blog, Vlog, Podcast, host a few Live Shows and love being involved in your revolutionary programs.
I love & thrive in working with some of the world's largest companies & most innovative organizations.
I'm a big people-person & have spent my life meeting as many people & cultures as I can. At my last count, I am lucky enough to have visited & done business in over 55 countries
Talk soon, Andrew?
Solution Architect MES/MOM, IIOT, Industry 4.0
3 年Great and rare article Andrew Sparrow , with the overview of MES value props and high-level execution considerations. But you nailed it there on the criticality of choosing the right partners "Consultants are only as good as the people they put on the ground & inside your project!"
Chief Executive Officer @ CENIT Group
3 年There is no better description right to the point! Well done!!
Global Industry-Mfg. Advisor, G&T Thought Leader | Industry 4.0 - IIoT Center of Excellence | Digital Transformation, Smart Manufacturing and Operational Excellence Solutions | NPD & Product Re-engineering
3 年one more good read Andrew Sparrow, thanks!
Good Article Andrew, pretty well detailed out but yet gives high level overview about manufacturing planning and execution !