Building your global career by going abroad
Photo courtesy MART PRODUCTION via Pexels

Building your global career by going abroad

By Shirley Sayer, Careers Manager

At the recent Go Abroad Fair, I was immediately struck by the fantastic range of destinations available for students wanting to spend a semester or longer studying/working in a different country.

Applications will soon open for 2023-2024, so if you’re considering going on an international exchange next year, check out the Go Abroad Moodle for key information, including advice on funding and tips for your application. Use the search tool to find where you can study your subject. From Azerbaijan to the U.S., the world is your oyster!

While abroad, your studies and curriculum knowledge may be similar to at home, but branching out of your comfort zone and immersing yourself in another culture can develop a new global mindset beyond anything discovered in textbooks and slide presentations. In an increasingly globalised world, international experience and intercultural sensitivity are often highly valued by graduate employers.

Gone International: Rising Aspirations , the UUKi’s annual series of student exchange studies shows a marked trend over the last five years of this cohort having better outcomes in both academic and employment spheres. The ‘go abroad’ experience gives students many of the transferable skills that employers look for in graduates. These include cultural awareness, adaptability, problem solving and project management skills, the ability to take risks and use initiative, language skills and advanced interpersonal skills.

Another benefit of going global, both personally and professionally, is the international network of friends and peers you’ll make during your time abroad who could be a source of valuable opportunities throughout your career and for the rest of your life.

For a taste of what’s on offer and to get insight into international exchange, meet our current exchange students and read about their experiences on the Go Abroad blog or on the Go Abroad Instagram .

Careers & Global Opportunities continues to support students on exchange and back at home. Graduates also have access to careers benefits for two years after graduating.


Go Abroad website : Explore the range of programmes for going abroad as a UofG student.

Careers website : Access resources, event information and vacancies to help you pursue study abroad, part-time work, internships, graduate schemes and other opportunities now and in the future.

5 things to do if you want to go abroad : This mini-guide walks you through the steps of what to do if you want to go abroad as a UofG students.


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