Building your credibility and reputation as a start up youth ran Agribusiness in South Africa.
Rehlotse Setlago - Livestock Advisor
Technical Director at Mashikara Livestock Specialists.
Ask anyone in any industry about how important one's credibility is in business and they might just end up talking about it all day. It is so important I cannot stress this enough, how people or potential customers or clients perceive you can make or break you. What baffles me is how in our industry of agriculture we don't speak about the importance of this to start up agribusinesses like farmers. The point of this column is to try and shine some light on this point and share ways in which one can improve their credibility and reputation in the agribusiness industry.
As a farmer, you have one of the most important jobs on the planet which is providing the community with food. Now when it comes to food, people are very conscious with what they put in their bodies therefore being a credible food producer is key. Being a farmer that has a good reputation will always serve you well in the market as customers see you as trustworthy and can trust that your produce is of good quality.
As a start up agribusiness owner, we often neglect this point and we focus on providing the best products and services to the market and often say “ my work will speak for me”. Will it though? Sometimes you need to open your mouth and speak about your work to your potential customers. Perception is quite important in business, if as a start up farmer you provide the best quality vegetables to the market but the market still perceives you as being an inexperienced young farmer, people will underrate your produce not because it is bad quality but because of who produced it to the market. In the same scenario, there are farmers who produce low quality vegetables to the market but due to how they are viewed in the industry, they are seen as experienced and credible farmers, their produce is being sold out every time due to their reputation and credibility.
Now that you understand the concept of the importance of building credibility and good perception, let us look at ways in which one can improve their reputation in a new market or industry, especially as youth.
Active communication
We often have an idea that we can allow our good work to speak for us but we have to be honest with reality that sometimes we are the ones who are devaluing our work or produce. What do I mean by that? Your product is of the highest quality but you as the agribusiness owner are not on the same level as your product or the market does not perceive you to be. That means that be more vocal about your work in the market, let the industry know that you have produced this work to build your reputation of producing good quality. Get your name circulating in the industry that when you are not even present, your name is mentioned when a certain product or service is mentioned, that is the reputation you want as an agribusiness owner. Attend seminars and farmers days and talk about yourself and your produce.
Upskill yourself
One of the best ways to build your credibility and reputation is by constantly developing your skill set in the agricultural industry. If you are farming purely based on experience, you will not be as credible as one that farms with experience and a formal qualification in Agriculture. Skills development and qualifications offers lots of credibility especially in the service providing side of Agriculture as customers will favor service providers that offer services that they have formal education on and also have been accredited for. That offers credibility and offers a whole lot of potential clients as the qualifications and accreditations provides you with credibility.
Monitor your personal life
As they always say, avoid mixing business with pleasure. What many people do not realize is how their personal life affects their business reputation and credibility. Your business can be the best in the industry, but if your personal life matters are ugly, they destroy the perception of the owner which tarnishes the business as well. As an agribusiness owner, you represent the business at all times therefore it is important to always ensure you hold yourself to a higher standard that will be able to match the business reputation. You cannot be known as a scammer, cheater and liar in the community yet expect people to have credibility in your business regardless of how pure and quality it is. Your personal life will always affect your business, just make sure it affects it positively.
Experience & consistency
Sometimes one needs to accept that time is important. If one produces quality, sometimes all it takes is time as time provides experience. What is important is to ensure that one continues to build their credibility through gaining experience and most importantly, being consistent in providing or providing quality to the market. The more customers interact with you the more they become regular customers and they will be doing more of your advertising for you through word of mouth as they are seeing the years of consistency. Being inconsistent will negatively affect the business therefore consistency is key to building a good reputation in the industry.
Who you are associated with in the industry can affect how one is being perceived. Especially as a start up agribusiness owner you have to be careful with the businesses and associations you attach yourself to because you might end up being guilty by association and absorbing their unwanted reputation to your business. So be careful and do your research first on them to ensure they align with your values and your business direction. And most importantly, shy away from political parties associations that can derail your business and credibility in the market based on the bad reputation of a political party you chose to attach your business to.
Building your reputation can be a difficult thing to construct in the market yet for it to come crumbling down? It only takes one moment, So be very careful. Ensure that you have values and principles that are non negotiable and you allow them to guide you during the development of your business credibility. At the end of the day, it is all in your hands, take charge.