Building Your Business While Staying in Your Own Empowered Lane
Charlotte Ferreux
Shift Into Your Highest Potential | Executive High Performance, Self Mastery, & Leadership Coach | Coach Mastery Trainer | Founder Thrive Coaching & Consulting | Keynote Speaker
Are you ready to build your business in your lane?
Whether you're building an online business, working for a company, or anything in between, please create something your own.?
We are bombarded with incredible information, content, and people who inspire us. But where we need to be careful is that line between being inspired and trying to recreate exactly what someone else is doing. And many times, we do it without any intention of it or without even knowing it. It’s really easy to get so inspired that it impacts what you create.?
In saying that, it’s important also to say this - there is enough for all of us. It’s not about overthinking and being so scared to create that you don’t make anything. That’s not the point of this, and I’ve been in that boat before where I’ve overthought it so much that it stopped me dead in my tracks. Just because it’s been done before doesn’t mean you have room to do it. Because the truth is that everything has been done before. Don’t get caught up thinking that you can’t do something because you don’t want to “copy” what someone else has done. It’s finding that sweet spot - where the work of others can inspire you, but the way YOU do it is unique to you. Because everything has been done before, but not by you. Not with your unique experience and skill, and charisma.?
I want to share my top 5 tips to create content that will feel aligned and have an incredible, ethical base - all while staying in your lane. If you want to listen to this Podcast Episode, check out Episode 69 on Scale Resiliently with Charlotte Ferreux Show
1 - Get Super Clear
Determine what you want to create and the people you want in your community. What is your value base? What do you stand for within your business? Having those values and ethics from the beginning is so important.? It will show through the content you put out there, through the team you could build or have already created.?
2 - Build Trusting, Nurturing Relationships
Focus on building relationships where it’s 100% on BOTH ends. Whatever connection you create, it has to be equal. Energetically and action-based, it needs to be balanced on both sides.?
It will never be perfect; there will always be ebbs and flows but focus on creating relationships where you both WANT to give 100%. Where there is a win-win dynamic, and they naturally want to help you, and you want to help them in return. And if you do mess up, which we all do because we are humans, how quickly are you bouncing back and cleaning up those relationships??
If you want this, and you have that expectation from the relationship, you want to be very clear with them on what you will offer and expect in return. That crystal clear communication is imperative, and too often, I’ve seen people not be clear on the front end because they assume that the other person knows what they want (spoiler alert - no one knows what you want unless you tell them), and then resentment starts to build. And that relationship usually ends up being broken.?
You can tell when someone is shifting their energy, and you know when you’re in a relationship, and you're giving 100%, and the other person is just taking. And if that’s the case - it’s okay! Not every person you encounter needs to have this type of relationship with you. You don’t have to make it mean anything if someone moves in a different direction.?
But when you surround yourself with the people who do, you’re just going to attract more trusting, nurturing relationships, and the support and growth will continue.?
3 - Build Your Expert Voice?
Build your expert voice and clearly define whom you want to speak to.?
Something I wish I had done sooner was get very clear on exactly who I was speaking to. I used to talk about random topics to anybody randomly. But getting clear and focusing on my specific niche has been a game changer in staying in my lane. Flush out for yourself what you stand for, what you’re teaching and whom you are speaking to and start to create that niche for yourself. The more solid you are there, the more you can create content relevant to that group, and the more it will come from your unique voice and expertise. When you’re talking about a million different things, you’re not honing in as an expert in any one area. And in that space, it becomes easy to have your message clouded or shaped by what others are doing.?
But when you develop that secret sauce that is strictly YOU - you can’t help but stay in your lane.?
4 - Your Audience is Your Mirror
Your audience is mirroring back to you where you might need to course correct.?
A big part of sharing our content uniquely and putting it out there is learning how to develop tough skin and not waiting for things to be perfect before you put it out there.?
It’s part of the evolution of really creating that unique voice for ourselves. We get mirrored back to us where we might need to step in with more confidence, where we need to go deeper or where we aren’t being authentic. Listen and pay attention to the energy from your audience and your customers.?
This all connects to feeling good about what you are putting out there and what you are creating. And to do that, you have to have a thick skin when it comes to receiving feedback but also have confidence that you have stepped in as an expert in what you are doing.?
When you get information back, it doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough or not worthy of being in the space. It’s just information about where you might need to correct the course to help you get even more precise and go even more profound.?
Does it always feel good? Not but that's okay. Hopefully, that’s why you're committed to your personal development. That helps you move through those times when you’re feeling stuck.?
5 - Give Credit Where Credit is Due
This journey is about getting you to a place where you share your expert voice with confidence and authenticity. But we are, of course, going to be influenced along the way. We will learn from our mentors, adapt it to our unique style and voice, and inspire others to share and create based on what they learned from us.?
When someone influences you, give them credit for it!?
When someone looks at your content and sees that you are giving credit and acknowledgement to all the people you learned, it builds trust. They can see that you are woven from a wealth of experiences. Being an expert doesn’t mean you come up with everything independently. It means sharing your unique take, being responsible in doing so, and role-modelling that behaviour for people. You attract in abundance because you are giving and are not afraid to share where things have come from.?
Role model something differently. When you make decisions in the low vibrational realm, fear-based, or thinking that no one will notice where your compass is off, you won't have long-term, feel-good success. People won’t trust you, and your reputation will be compromised.?
If you do it the other way, keep yourself tied to your values and what feels right; you won’t lose something. You will gain the cycle of abundance. Your action, though, is imperative. It’s about aligning yourself with the right people, and you will create and attract more lot within your life.?
I’m so excited for you to build that business of your dreams, to create content that is yours that you can feel so good about and from that, you’re going to make fantastic abundance within your life. This is authentic creation, and it comes from your ability to be confident and stay within what you truly need to share.
Give yourself that permission.?
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If you want to listen to this Podcast Episode, check out Episode 69 on Scale Resiliently with Charlotte Building Your Business While Staying in Your Own Empowered Lane