Building Your Business Skills with XcelMil
BUSINESS SKILLS?covers such a wide range of topics. In essence, business skills are a set of competencies and abilities that you need to be able to perform your job. They include your ability to interact with others, manage time, multitask, and prioritize.
The ability to adapt to changing circumstances, a willingness to learn and evolve, and great communication skills are critical to success in your professional career.
XcelMil offers a series of courses and programs to increase your business skills. One example is a course aimed at developing innate skills, such as in-depth communication and self-motivation. Building on that foundation, we then move into strategic thinking and leadership courses.
Keep reading our newsletter below to discover our?latest blog post,?upcoming and recent events and speaking engagements, 2023?products?available for pre-order, and our??Strategic Partner Spotlight!
In most organizational settings, you'll be expected to work in teams. At times, your team members may not be physically in the same office as you. And yet, communicating effectively within these teams is critical to the success of the team, and critical to your personal success on any given project or task. This introductory-level course will help you improve your collaborative communication by providing best practices and effective tips and techniques.
Whether adopting new technology or adapting to a drastic shift in an organization's core focus, change is a constant in any successful business. Managers play a fundamental role in successfully effecting changes across an organization, and meanwhile, humans, by nature, will often resist change out of fear of the unknown. This introductory course addresses the key issues managers face in a dynamic environment. By understanding the steps in effecting change and how to overcome resistance, a manager can successfully lead change at various levels of an organization.
What is Diversity Fatigue, and Why is it an Issue at Many Companies?
What is Diversity Fatigue, and Why is it an Issue at Many Companies? Diversity fatigue is a condition that can affect employees at companies with a diverse workforce. It is characterized by a sense of exhaustion or apathy towards diversity initiatives and can be caused by a variety of factors.
Upcoming & Recent XcelMil LLC Events & Speaking Engagements
Victoria Dabrowski Schmidt '42 Workplace & Professional Development Symposium | September 2022
Succeeding in Uncertain Economic Times for Business Owners with The Alternative Board?| October 4, 2022
ByBlack Conference | MGM National Harbor | October 19-21, 2022
Stafford NAACP Seafood Boil Fundraiser | November 1, 2022
Greater DMV Annual Breakfast | November 10, 2022
Strategic Partner Spotlight: Matt Harline
See What I Can Do: Stories of Remarkable Children
In 2020, Matt started creating paintings of kids with unique abilities, highlighting the good within them, and bringing hope and encouragement to these kids and their families.
As interest in these paintings increased, Matt decided to create a book with the stories of these uniquely-abled children, feature the paintings he created, and contribute to the community.
Matt is currently seeking to add more children of color with unique abilities to paint and add to his book. If you know of anyone interested in being painted, as well as being featured in?See What I Can Do, please reach out to Matt?here. Matt is happy to discuss your story and how you want your child to be depicted in the painting. You can also see a few examples of current paintings and stories that will be featured in the book on his website.
In addition, Matt would love to offer a free copy of the book to each family featured. The cost per 16x20 book is $400. If you are willing to sponsor a book for one (or more) of these families, please contact Matt?here.
If you would like to be a featured spotlight as a Strategic Partner or Business, reach out to Melody Gratic,?[email protected].
New Products for 2023! Pre-order today!
e-Commerce site coming soon!
2023 Planner
Plan your weeks like a boss. The 2023 Planner has a weekly calendar layout, daily planning pages, and a notes section to stay organized while you’re getting stuff done. You can list your work schedule or write down your ideas to implement the following day. Don't forget to track your daily and monthly habits, and plan out your action steps for your goals. This planner is the perfect fit for anyone who loves staying productive and on top of things in life.
The Inspiration Journal
The Inspiration Journal is the perfect place to record your thoughts, goals, and plans for success. This journal is a motivational and inspirational tool to help you find success in your creative endeavors. It’s jam-packed with inspiring quotes dedicated to men and women who desire a little extra encouragement. Each page includes space for notes, so you can jot down ideas and thoughts to help you reach your goals.
2023 Wall Calendar
This calendar for the year 2023 features beautiful photographs and inspirational quotes to help you plan your days with style. With room to list monthly priorities, reminders, and other notes, this calendar will help you stay on top of important dates and events throughout the year.