Building Workplace Coaching Skills

Building Workplace Coaching Skills

The capacity to think for oneself, to choose for oneself, and to be responsible for the results of one’s actions has become a critical feature of work in the emerging post-Covid world.

Now individuals more than ever before are making personal choices about why, where and how they work.

Employers must develop ways of creating workplace cultures that facilitate and nurture a sense of commitment, individual responsibility, and collaboration - often at a distance. In the future, an organisation’s success, and even survival, may depend on how effective it is in empowering and developing employee personal autonomy, self-sufficiency, and a sense of freedom to act.

The most powerful and effective way to develop this kind of organisational culture is through coaching, which is a well-proven approach to creating and nurturing empowering, high-performance organisations.

Through coaching, individuals and teams can become more committed, creative, collaborative, and resilient. They are more focused on learning and improvement which develops confidence, calculated risk-taking and adaptability. People feel more empowered and confident. These are all hallmarks of sustainable success in any organisation.

This is why coaching is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but an essential and integrated role to leverage in your organisational development. This integration must be systemic, that is, it must be deeply embedded into the cultural fabric of the organisation so that it becomes the ‘way we do things around here’.

This systemic integration is a process that involves personal and organisational learning and change on three key levels:

-?????????Level One having the knowledge and tools - Tool Set.

-?????????Level Two having the appropriate skills - Skill Set

-?????????Level Three developing the right mindset and sustainable behaviours Mindset

Many organisations approach coaching skills development by training line managers in the use of specific coaching tools and techniques, often in a condensed one-day workshop. This equates to the Tool Set Level.

This is certainly better than nothing, and some participants will be inspired to take their coaching learning and application into the workplace in earnest, with attendant results. However, the general evidence is that short ‘sheep-dip- training programmes tend not to embed the change in behaviours required to give coaching effective traction in the day-to-day workplace practices.

The Skill Set Level is usually at least two days of training and helps to embed coaching practices that may lead to longer-lasting and deeper behavioural change.

At the Mindset Level, at least three days of training over a period of several months further deepens participants’ appreciation of not only skills and techniques but also helps to create a shift in outlook and perspective of the power and value of coaching.

Coaching Focus offers effective training programmes at each of these levels, as well as further enhanced training and qualifications through our ILM Level 5 (internal coach level) and ILM Level 7 (executive coach level).

An outline of our coaching programmes is given below:

Level One - Tool Set

Coaching Fundamentals

This is a basic one-day (3x two-hour modules) training programme which will give participants an understanding of why coaching is so important when to use it and a few basic tools to start coaching.

Level Two - Skill Set

Leader As Coach (condensed)

This two-day (6x two-hour modules) programme builds on the one-day Coaching Fundamentals programme by introducing further techniques and skills development. The additional learning available will help to deepen participant awareness of effective coaching applications in the workplace. This programme begins to develop a higher skill set.

Level Three - MindSet

Leader As Coach

This three-day (9x two-hour virtual modules) programme builds on Level One Toolset training and helps further develop skills to a deeper level. At this Skill set level, we see many participants beginning to shift their mindset as they begin to fully appreciate the impact that coaching can have on individuals and their performance. This shift towards a different mindset around coaching is the embedding shift required for coaching to become systemic and sustainable behaviours within your organisation.

This programme also has the option of gaining an ILM Endorsed Certificate.

ILM Level 3 Manager as Coach qualification (Award in Effective Coaching)

This qualification programme is like The Leader as Coach programme outlined above but consists of 12x two-hour modules. ?This is an ILM qualification and so there is slightly more rigour than the Leader as Coach programme. There is an enhanced coaching practice element and further tutor input. Participants must submit a basic portfolio of evidence as well as complete several assignments. The enhanced rigour and submission requirements of this qualification give it added gravitas over the Leader as Coach programme and lead to an ILM Award in Effective Coaching.

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching qualification

This is a more advanced coaching qualification aimed at HR and L&D professionals as well as line managers and leaders who have been selected as potential internal coaches. This is a five-day programme (15x two-hour modules) which aims to create the mindset shift required for effective and sustainable systemic organisational coaching. Participants are usually training to be internal coaches in their organisation with the skills and capabilities to deliver effective 1:1 coaching either within their own line management or across the organisation as part of an internal coaching cadre. One major benefit of this qualification is that by using internal coaches trained at this level, external coaching costs can be very significantly reduced, allowing external coaching budgets to be re-directed towards high-value executive coaching assignments. This is an ILM qualification with an enhanced coaching practice element, significant tutor input and coaching supervision. Participants must submit a portfolio of evidence as well as complete three assignments. Successful candidates of this programme are awarded the ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching.

ILM Level 7 Certificate in Effective Coaching qualification

This coaching qualification is the highest level awarded by the ILM. It is intended for senior HR/L&D professionals and senior managers or directors and is also suitable for individuals intending to enter practice as independent coaches or consultants.

This programme consists of a seven-day programme (21x two-hour modules) which aims to give participants a complete base for their coaching practice. As well as covering skills and techniques, it aims to create the mindset shift required for effective coaching and helps develop a systemic viewpoint for participants, including coaching strategy, evaluation, systemic integration and developing a coaching culture.

This programme is both challenging and rewarding and is ideally suited to developing organisational coaching ‘champions’ who have responsibility for running in-house coaching schemes.

This ILM qualification has an enhanced coaching practice element, significant tutor input and increased coaching supervision. Participants must submit a portfolio of evidence as well as complete three assignments. Successful candidates of this programme are awarded the ILM Level 7 Certificate in Effective Coaching.

Not sure what route is right for you then get in touch, I am always happy to provide guidance on what direction is best for you and your organisation to achieve the changes you now need to make.

Find out more by getting in contact at [email protected].


