Build what works. Not what's easy.
H. Jackson Calame
Host of Vision Pros, a live podcast, interviewing Market Leaders to explore their vision, challenges, and principles of success.
A snapshot is a "CRM in a box".
If you HATE building CRMs you will appreciate this.
I'm tired of never-ending minor adjustments.
I'm sick of receiving automatic responses from businesses and people that make me feel like a jerk and them look like an ass.
I'm frustrated that so many service providers are so distracted by "essential technology" for their business... that they don't even know how to receive me as a prospect.
We are losing sight of basic human to human interactions.
Providers are putting half their energy into humans and half into technology.
At First Class Business we're changing that by embracing BOTH fully.
Have you heard the mantra, "As a spouse do you give 50/50 or do you both give 100%?"
As businesses justifiably cut corners by treating these as separate matters, it's no surprise that the quality of service is declining throughout the world.
The Ultimate Snapshot
If we can manage - as experts - to build out The Ultimate Snapshot for service providers then there's a strong chance we can help the world get back on track.
We're predominantly focusing these efforts on industries I call the B2B CAST:
Basically, anyone who provides a high ticket service by appointment will benefit tremendously.
Infrastructure is Critical
Pretending you can have a stable business without proper infrastructure would be like suggesting the human body could function without the skeleton.
We must learn to turn away from blind ignorance. The truth is, business owners cannot build infrastructure alone and win.
Today, while I created the blueprint for the Client Fulfillment bridge, my team built most of the prospect Tier 1 and Tier 2 infrastructure for what is known as pipelines.
Most systems and brands start with one. Why?
Because it's easy to sell what is cheap and easy looking.
It's hard to sell what truly wins.
We call these Tier 1 and Tier 2 pipelines "Leadership" and "Ascension". It's where healthy relationships begin.
Watch the Video Below
We're excited to share these updates with the world and we post about it publicly in order to keep the pressure on myself and the team to DELIVER.
We look forward to your feedback.
We also hope leaders and entities will choose to collaborate with us serve the 8 billion people on this planet who suffer tremendously.
We can fix that!
As we build and refine our own systems after 14 years of operating start ups... we are well aware of how much help we ALL need as we scale.
I've been relentlessly optimizing, creating, developing, and planning systems like this for more than a decade with dozens of industries and leaders.
Meaningful Service is Happiness
I'm super happy to be getting REALLY close to creating the most universal system possible for all B2B providers because if businesses were truly winning...
Our tools cannot solve our problems.
We have to truly serve those we work with and those we provide for and the byproduct of that great effort is happiness for everyone.
We experience that within our company even though we're surrounded by entities that react like animals.
Brands that know how to act when they're in the spotlight but digress into self-pity or self-absorption when behind closed doors.
96% of Businesses Fail
If we aren't willing to become great leaders and cannot invest in team members who will create lasting solutions that are different than the 96% of entities that have failed for the last 50+ years...
Then we can expect failure will be our outcome, too.
It's not enough to follow the 4% that are merely surviving, either.
Most businesses that make it to the sacred 10 year mark are still struggling and simply grind harder with more grace.
It's an absolute disaster when you get to see behind their curtains, too.
10+ year business owners are just better at hiding their dirty laundry.
Explore Real Infrastructure
Here's a look behind the scenes at how we are creating our new snapshots using a spreadsheet so that we can account for EVERY dynamic of our build out without getting lost in the shuffle:
I've worked with so many promising providers who's systems fail them miserably.
We need to stop pointing fingers.
Business is just hard and that's OK.
Business is Hard
But fulfillment is an art and a science. Fulfillment that WINS requires intentional dedication to psychology, self-awareness, and service.
And yes...
YES men come in MANY forms and are harder to spot than you realize.
If more than 3 people say in the comments that they want to know how to spot a "yes man" then I'll do a video training on the signs that I see that are NOT obvious.
It's not easy, otherwise most of you wouldn't tolerate the team members that you do.
Be careful though... the greatest secret and reality regarding YES MEN is that YOU create them by not making space for tough feedback.
You make your people walk on egg shells.
And when people walk on egg shells... A YES MAN IS BORN.
But fulfillment is an art and a science. Fulfillment that WINS... requires intentional dedication to psychology, self-awareness, and service.
You won't get that combination from providers that constantly
Reach out if you have further insights of your own.
Maximizing infrastructure creation, developing systems, and creating growth are team sports.
We're always on the lookout for partnerships, candidates, prospects, and other good human beings who value hard work and want to live life abundantly.
Thanks in advance and best wishes in your growth efforts!