Building Web Applications with CoreUI Admin Panel and Laravel Starter Kit

Building Web Applications with CoreUI Admin Panel and Laravel Starter Kit

### Introduction

Elevate your web development projects with our CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template integrated seamlessly with Laravel 10. This comprehensive template brings a sophisticated and modern dashboard experience, fully utilizing Laravel's Blade engine for robust functionality and user-friendly interfaces.I.

### Prerequisites

  1. Laravel 10
  2. PHP 8.1 >
  3. CoreUI Admin Dashboard

### Getting Started

1. Clone the Repository

2. Environment Setup

For windows

    `copy .env.example .env`        

For Mac / Linux OS

    `cp .env.example .env`        

3. Installation

Configure your .env file as per your requirements

This CoreUi-Dashboard-With-Laravel-Starter template has integrated user email verification by default so please configure your SMTP setting or use MailTrap for setting purpose in development environment

After that, Run these commands

  1. composer install
  2. php artisan key:generate
  3. php artisan migrate

After migration, you should create a user by opening the Laravel app in your browser. After creating the user, you can log in to the Laravel app and view the Core UI Admin Dashboard with laravel integrated.

npm install npm run build

You can change CSS in this directory. All of the CSS files are placed here. "/resources/sass" You can change javascript from this directory. All of the js files are placed here. "/resources/js"

After every change in these files you must run the npm run build command for compiling or create a build for css/js.

### Features

Dynamic Dashboard: Access a powerful admin dashboard that provides insights and control over your web applications. User Authentication Views: Enhance your projects with pre-built login, registration, forgot password, email verification, and user profile editing views. Responsive Design: Ensure an optimal user experience on various devices and screen sizes. Laravel Integration: Harness the potential of Laravel 10 for a smooth and efficient development experience. Get started with this template today and streamline your web development process, saving time and effort while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.

### Contributing

- Encourage the developer community to contribute to this open-source project and provide guidelines for pull requests and issues.

### Conclusion

- Latest Laravel Starter Kit with CoreUi Admin Panel. you just clone it and it is ready for the use. This starter kit is the best starter kit with the modern admin panel which it fully in your control. Must try in your next project for boster work.


