Building UP...or Tearing DOWN?
Steve Gamlin
Are you Hustling & Grinding, but can't remember your life's Purpose & Meaning?
Carpenter tools are POWERFUL.
Wrecking balls are POWERFUL.
One kind builds.
The other tears down.
Our thoughts are very similar.
Yours can BUILD YOU UP.
That's why we need to be aware of the IMPACT & EFFECTS of our thinking.
One possible way to launch your day:
"Today I am going to make something great happen...I got this!"
Building up.
Another way, which could crush your progress, right out of the gate:
"I suck. I have nothing to offer. Everyone else is better than I am."
Tearing down.
Please be careful today with your THOUGHTS and, equally important...your WORDS.
Especially when you are THINKING and SPEAKING about (and 'to') that person in your mirror.
Do some people think it's weird, hokey or silly?
Yup...they sure do.
And that's okay...THEIR lives, THEIR thoughts.
But YOU and I know better.
We choose the TOOLS THAT BUILD...versus the BALLS that destroy.
P.S. See that guy in the picture below? Today his thoughts will continue to BUILD him (and his business) up. Is he perfect at it? Nope. At times, his thoughts have been a one-man wrecking crew. Does he still have challenging 'moments'? Absolutely. But he always gets back to basics and starts building up...again.
You can too.