7 reasons for a lack of TRUST in teams:
Nancy J. Spotton
VP Performance + Master Performance Coach @League Top Healthcare Technology Company | Builder of Champions + Championship Teams
Trust is a productivity multiplier. As a leader, your goal must be to build trust.
What I have seen in 20 years of leading teams is that if you do not care for the PEOPLE on the team by simply building trust, your team will not perform. An inordinate amount of money is wasted in time spent: worrying, gossiping, searching for something else etc.
How much money are you spending as a result of that?
If it is that simple, they why aren't all people in leadership positions beginning there?
Here are 7 reasons I have seen:
Low Confidence
These people are suffering inside. Their teeth are ground down to nubs. Actively work to help them find the help they need, instead of watching them fail repeatedly.
Those who lack confidence tend to protect and shout blame to everyone around them. They criticize others in hope of making themselves look better.
Low Knowledge
They are new to the role. They create this false bravado to protect themselves from others finding out they have NO idea how to lead. I have seen WAY too many people promoted and not be trained to lead.
Before they close up and protect, help them learn. Help them learn what the expectations are, how to communicate and then provide a TON of support to help them develop the leadership knowledge needed.
Stallion Behind a Donkey
IF you have a superstar, do not put them behind a mediocre leader - someone who is happier chewing cud in the field all day. The Stallion will buck themselves right out of the pen. Pay attention to where the superstars are. They may come across as impatient, and blurty, but this is where your innovation and creative thinking will come from.
Wrong Match of Talent to Task
When you are 5% action focus, you should not be in your accounting department. Don't put 1% rules and risk in an Innovation role. They are making mistakes and feeling terrible about it. Others around you feel it too. Switch them. Find a role that fits. AND you never should have hired them in that role in the first place.
Dishonest and AT Communication
What is the purpose of communication? CONNECTION. Learn how to ask, listen and share to connect. Talk WITH people not AT people. People who speak AT people, fracture teams. People who are NOT honest, fracture teams. When you THINK no one can tell you are not truthful, you are blinded. People know.
Leaders who are there to see THEMSELVES soar will fracture your team. They usually create the most noise (about themselves) as well. They are regularly running signed Wayne Gretzky jerseys upstairs to the CEO’s office to shine the light on themselves. They may fit in a functional role, but this type of behaviour will be fodder for the entire team to chat about at the water cooler. We all know what the result of negative water cooler talk is.
Do you want to win?
Hire the leader that will create unprecedented momentum from simply building trust.
THAT is where success and productivity on teams begins.
Executive Leadership Coach & Trainer I LEAD CONNECTED I Know what you stand for and have the impact you want I ** Effective team collaboration to achieve more together ** Developing the best in yourself and others I
5 年Building trust is so important for every leader. Like you I see trust as a key component for success. Only when a leader can create an environment of trust, will people be willing to speak up. And only when they dare to speak up can they solve arising challenges.
Provoke. Inspire. Change.
5 年Nancy this is a great tool, a keeper for sure......and lots of value across all parts of life, personal and professional.?
VP Performance + Master Performance Coach @League Top Healthcare Technology Company | Builder of Champions + Championship Teams
5 年Which one have YOU seen?
Driving innovative digital concepts to scale
5 年Love this Nancy! For me, building trust in teams is like taking the time to thoughtfully pack your bags before a team road-trip. If you take the time to prepare in the right way, you will be able to handle the road ahead and your team has the potential to go far. If you don't you may still get somewhere but it's unlikely you'll succeed in the long term. Thank you, for sharing what is probably the product of thousands of conversations and a career's worth of experience.? So appreciated ; )