Building a team from scratch: beginnings
Mark Neath
Advising owner-managed and family businesses on corporate finance, acquisitions, MBOs and business sales in Exeter and the South West.
I'm going to try something new on my Linked In and write a blog.?This obviously isn't "new" as other people have been blogging for years.?
The "new" bit is it's new for me.?
I suppose like many people, I have used Linked In for the occasional post celebrating something that has happened, liking similar post from friends in my network, but mainly sharing our company marketing material and information articles.?
Nothing wrong with that per se, but this isn't sharing much about myself or our team.?
So that is what I am going to try to do, tell our story.
Whose story?
The story of the development of our team within Old Mill.
Our team is the corporate finance team.?All both of us.?
?Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end…Lewis Carroll
?As the quote goes, one should begin at the beginning.?Except this isn't the beginning of the story.?And I'm hoping it won't come to an ending!
?The actual beginning is somewhat unclear.?For a number of years I looked after a portfolio of clients and did a bit of corporate finance type special work on the side.?This sort of evolved over time as others took over the client relationships and the special work started to dominate my time.?
Three years ago the firm gave me the chance to run my first full financial year as a specialist team.?A team of one.
The results were promising, so two years ago, the team grew with the addition of Kathryn initially part-time alongside her audit role but now full-time.?We're now a team of two.?
Mostly the beginning bit has been going well.?There were a couple of nervous months in first lockdown when everything we were working on went on hold.?We got involved with some CBILS applications and I wrote a lot of content about business support packages, but having been going along quite nicely up to that point, it was a set-back to our year.?Contrary to what might have been expected then, activity pretty much picked up where it left off come July 2020 and we have been happily working on projects ever since.?Our financial year is June, and this year has been our best yet.?
Of course, everything resets on 1st July and we start again from zero.?
Although that seems like a good starting point for the rest of the story.?
We've got some interesting projects in the pipeline and we hope to expand our team to three .
My new (financial) year's resolution is to (try!) to tell a bit of the story once a week as we go along.??