Building The Shepherd’s Flock // Matthew 10:16
Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App

Building The Shepherd’s Flock // Matthew 10:16

By Mark Jordan

Who are the people in your neighborhood? They are the people that you meet each day. Did I get you singing that song from Sesame Street?

Today’s verse tells us that we, the sheep of God’s pasture, are being sent out among wolves. This might seem somewhat contradictory since the whole shepherd motif is about protecting and directing the flock. Well, the metaphor holds. Jesus does not want us to wall off ourselves in some sheep pen and wait passively until His return. No, Jesus wants us to engage the world with the message of salvation through the forgiveness of sin, knowing there is an inherent risk in so doing.

Jesus then mentioned two animals that His hearers would have instantly understood. The serpent is crafty and shrewd as it slithers and stalks its prey. The dove was innocent and would fly around seemingly oblivious to danger. So what are we to make of this juxtaposition?

For starters, Jesus wants us to be aware of the threats we face while keeping in mind we are working for Him. Next, He wants us to lock on to someone who needs to hear the Good News and craftily look for ways to work in our testimony of faith. Then, we are to be innocent and bold as we engage people with the Gospel.

Jesus IS the Good Shepherd. He protects His flock and directs His flock to help build His flock. You have a role to play and purpose to fulfill. Who do you know that you can find a way to craftily share the good news? Be bold and innocent as you do, knowing Jesus has your back. Wolves are all around us, but the Shepherd is, too.



