Building a sand castle
It is always enjoyable for me to watch kids build sand castles and decorate them with shells and sometime their accessories :-) but I do remember one time I felt sad when a little girl put a lot of effort trying to make it look the best even by using dolls and her own accessories, it looked nice until the minute a high wave on that day hit the beach and turned the castle into a pile of mud :-(.
The little girl's reaction and the look on her face was heartbreaking to a point I had to go and speak to her.
The minute I went closer, she immediately said:'' SEE, this sea is always angry and sneaky''... I wondered how, she explained, angry because it was the time of the year where waves were high, sneaky is because it waited until she was done and putting the final touches then it decided to strike!! Afterwards she said something that made me think, she said:'' That’s it, I am no longer building castles''.
That's when I said:'' No, you shouldn't give up, you should build it again but think of a better way to do it''.
I further explained: '' You tried to build it right next to the sea, why don't you go further towards the beach and rebuild it, I am sure the wave won’t reach you''. So finally, I convinced her and the mother thanked me by saying:’ ’you have just saved me from a complete melt down’’.
If I am to think about this story from HR perspective, it is also to be implemented, we often work on projects and put a lot of efforts executing it, the project might look perfect in our own perception but not from management’s perspective.
This should not let us down or make us give up, we just need to try again from a different angle, but I would definitely push for feedback from management to be constructive, on regular basis and definitely not (Angry and Sneaky) ??.