Building a Robust Error System in Go

Building a Robust Error System in Go

Go's philosophy of explicit error handling through return values is both a blessing and a curse. While it promotes clear error checking, organizations often struggle as their applications scale. Let's explore how to build a sophisticated error management system that maintains Go's simplicity while adding enterprise-grade capabilities.

The Growing Pains of Error Handling

Assume you are building a house. Initially, you might just need a hammer and some nails. But as the structure grows, you need more specialized tools. Similarly, as Go applications scale, simple error returns become inadequate:

// Traditional approach - limited information  
func processOrder(id string) error {  
    if err := validateOrder(id); err != nil {  
        return fmt.Errorf("invalid order: %w", err)  
    return nil  

This approach leaves teams struggling with:

  • Inconsistent error messages across microservices
  • Limited error classification capabilities
  • Difficulty tracking error patterns
  • Challenge in attaching contextual information

Enter Domain-Driven Error Management

Instead of treating errors as mere strings, let's think of them as rich objects that carry domain meaning. We'll build a system that treats errors as first-class citizens:

// Domain error codes  
const (  
    OrderValidationFailed = "ORDER:VALIDATION:001"  
    PaymentDeclined      = "PAYMENT:PROCESS:001"  
    InventoryUnavailable = "INVENTORY:CHECK:001"  

// Rich error type  
type BusinessError struct {  
    Code        string                 `json:"code"`  
    Message     string                 `json:"message"`  
    Details     map[string]interface{} `json:"details,omitempty"`  
    TraceID     string                 `json:"trace_id,omitempty"`  
    ServiceName string                 `json:"service_name,omitempty"`  

func (e *BusinessError) Error() string {  
    return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", e.Code, e.Message)  

Building Blocks of Modern Error Management

1. Domain Classification

Think of error codes like ZIP codes - they help route information efficiently:

func NewOrderError(code string, msg string) *BusinessError {  
    return &BusinessError{  
        Code:        code,  
        Message:     msg,  
        ServiceName: "order-service",  
        TraceID:     generateTraceID(),  
        Details:     make(map[string]interface{}),  

// Usage  
if !isValid {  
    return NewOrderError(OrderValidationFailed, "Invalid order structure")  
        .WithDetail("orderId", id)  
        .WithDetail("reasons", validationErrors)  

2. Context Preservation

Like a chain of evidence, errors should maintain their history:

type ErrorChain struct {  
    Current *BusinessError  
    Cause   error  
    Stack   []string  

func (ec *ErrorChain) Unwrap() error {  
    return ec.Cause  

func WrapError(err error, code string, msg string) *ErrorChain {  
    return &ErrorChain{  
        Current: NewOrderError(code, msg),  
        Cause:   err,  
        Stack:   captureStack(),  

3. Error Translation Layer

Create clean boundaries between technical and business errors:

func translateDatabaseError(err error) *BusinessError {  
    switch {  
    case errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows):  
        return NewOrderError("DB:NOT_FOUND", "Resource not found")  
    case isDuplicateKey(err):  
        return NewOrderError("DB:DUPLICATE", "Resource already exists")  
        return NewOrderError("DB:UNKNOWN", "Database operation failed")  

Practical Implementation Strategies

Error Factory Pattern

Create domain-specific error factories:

type OrderErrorFactory struct {  
    service string  
    env     string  

func (f *OrderErrorFactory) ValidationFailed(orderId string) *BusinessError {  
    return NewOrderError(OrderValidationFailed, "Order validation failed")  
        .WithDetail("orderId", orderId)  
        .WithDetail("service", f.service)  
        .WithDetail("environment", f.env)  

Middleware Integration

Standardize error handling across your HTTP handlers:

func ErrorMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {  
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {  
        defer func() {  
            if err := recover(); err != nil {  
                logError(r.Context(), err)  
                respondWithError(w, NewOrderError("SYS:PANIC", "Internal server error"))  
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)  

Monitoring and Observability

Transform rich error data into actionable insights:

func logBusinessError(ctx context.Context, err *BusinessError) {  
    metrics.IncCounter(fmt.Sprintf("errors.%s", err.Code))  
        "error_code":    err.Code,  
        "service":       err.ServiceName,  
        "trace_id":     err.TraceID,  
        "details":      err.Details,  

Best Practices

  1. Domain First: Design error codes around business domains, not technical implementations
  2. Context Rich: Include relevant debugging information without exposing sensitive data
  3. Consistent Patterns: Establish standard error creation and handling patterns across teams
  4. Clear Boundaries: Maintain clear separation between internal and external error representations
  5. Gradual Migration: Implement the new system incrementally, starting with critical paths

Real-World Example: Order Processing

Here's how it all comes together:

func (s *OrderService) ProcessOrder(ctx context.Context, order Order) error {  
    // Create domain-specific error factory  
    ef := &OrderErrorFactory{service: "order-processor", env: s.env}  
    // Validate order  
    if err := s.validator.Validate(order); err != nil {  
        return ef.ValidationFailed(order.ID).  
            WithDetail("validation_errors", err.Error())  
    // Check inventory  
    available, err := s.inventory.Check(ctx, order.Items)  
    if err != nil {  
        // Translate technical error to business error  
        return WrapError(err, "INVENTORY:CHECK", "Failed to verify inventory")  
    if !available {  
        return ef.OutOfStock(order.Items)  
    // Process payment  
    if err := s.payment.Process(ctx, order.Payment); err != nil {  
        return ef.PaymentFailed(err)  
    return nil  


Building a robust error management system is about finding the sweet spot between simplicity and functionality. By treating errors as first-class citizens and incorporating domain-driven design principles, we can create a system that's both powerful and maintainable.

The key is to start small and evolve the system based on real needs rather than hypothetical scenarios. Focus on solving actual problems your team faces, and gradually expand the system's capabilities as new requirements emerge.

Remember: Good error handling isn't just about catching failures - it's about providing meaningful information that helps maintain and improve your system over time.

How do you handle errors in your Go applications? What challenges have you faced with error management at scale? Share your experiences in the comments below.

Utsav K.

Software Development Engineer 3

1 个月

i find custom error types a more cleaner way to handle

Himanshu .

Ex Deliveroo| Ex Dotpe| Ex Samsung| DTU'19

1 个月

We can use error interface rather than explicity passing custom types across layers and every layer should have a translation mechanism. So the repo/ downstream errors can be handled with business context in the service layer.


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