Building Risk Tolerance into the Program Plan and Schedule
Glen Alleman MSSM
Vietnam Veteran, Applying Systems Engineering Principles, Processes & Practices to Increase the Probability of Program Success for Complex Systems in Aerospace & Defense, Enterprise IT, and Process and Safety Industries
Managing the uncertainty in a network of tasks that describe a schedule is the topic of this paper. There are six steps for building a risk-tolerant schedule from field experience in aerospace, defense, and large construction projects.
The hope that risk can be "programmed" out of the project schedule is a false hope. However, we can manage uncertainties by understanding the risk types and the uncertainties that create these risks and addressing each in an appropriate manner.?
Building the Risk Tolerant Plan and Schedule
In Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, author Peter Bernstein states one of the major intellectual triumphs of the modern world is the transformation of risk from a matter of fate to an area of study. Risk analysis is the process of assessing risks, while risk management uses risk analysis to devise management strategies to reduce or ameliorate risk. Managing the uncertainty in a network of tasks that describe a schedule is the topic of this paper.
A method for incorporating schedule risk management in a visible manner that provides governance of the project’s technical and programmatic performance is necessary for risk tolerance. This method is based on three core concepts shared by all risk–tolerant plans:
Risk Management Structure
The Figure below describes the Risk Management structure defined in the Risk Management Guide for DoD Acquisition. This will be the structure used for developing the Risk Tolerant schedule. The mechanics of managing risk are described in [1]. It is the Risk Planning, Risk Handling, and Risk Monitoring process that forms the basis of this article.
Risk management process areas form the basis of an integrated management approach. Each of these processes must be in place and performed as a whole for Risk Management to be effective. Failing to do this, creates more risk since the visibility of the programmatic and technical risks are then masked.
To build a risk-tolerant schedule, the PMBOK? instructs us to:
While this approach appears well grounded through processes used to build the schedule, it fails to address the core weakness of most risk planning processes by not specifically designing the schedule to be Risk Tolerant in four ways. These activities are:
Risk Buy-Down Activities
To make a plan risk-tolerant, the planner must include “Risk Buy-Down Tasks”.?These are like any other work activities in the plan. These tasks reduce the uncertainty in the project. The term uncertainty has a broader meaning than risk. Risk is created from Uncertainty, with comes in two forms: reducible and irreducible uncertainty.?Project planning involves uncertainty. This uncertainty is characterized by:?
Although mature organizations use many tools to support project planning, quantifying the uncertainty in these plans is not as common as we think. The PMBOK Guide identifies risk as a key area of concern but does not describe the management of the underlying uncertainty that produces the risk. Transforming project uncertainty into project risk management often requires that the concept of risk as an event ignores the source of risk emerging from the probabilistic and statistical nature of the project’s technical and programmatic activities.?
The concept that uncertainty and risk can be programmed out of the schedule is a false hope. Intrinsic variation pervades all natural systems. Observe or measure any characteristic of anything, and the result will vary from instance to instance. Plan or measure a task duration, or a cost associated with that task, and a natural variance will appear. Management thought leaders Walter Shewhart and?W. Edwards Deming taught that reacting to random changes in the system as if they mean something always degrades the process.?
Let’s put some bounds on the term uncertainty. There are four sources of uncertainty in projects and corresponding mechanisms to address them.
Identifying the Risk Mitigation Tasks in the Plan
Planning for risk management starts after risks have been identified and assessed. Risk Analysis makes use of mathematical models to evaluate the effects of choices of risk and mitigation.?Risk Analysis determines the sensitivity of risks to changes in independent and dependent factors described in the plan.
The actual schedule (a network of tasks) contains two types of uncertainty. These uncertainties are used to describe each of the project variations shown in Table 1 below. [ii]
The probabilistic (Epistemic) uncertainty is addressed by mitigation tasks in the plan. If X occurs, I’ll deal with it by doing Y. This type of schedule risk planning is embedded in the baseline plan. Making these risks visible demonstrates explicit mitigation steps.
The statistical (Aleatory) uncertainty is addressed by first determining the probability distribution of the statistical processes that create the uncertainties. This does not mean the specific shape of the probability distribution function ? that should be done for the probabilistic uncertainties ? but the likelihood of occurrence profiles. This can be done through a risk classification scheme shown in Table 2.
For this approach to be effective, classification levels need to be calibrated to match the vocabulary of the project. Then the percentage overruns need to be calibrated to the class of project.
Next Steps
Using the risk rankings in Table 2, the explicit risk mitigation tasks (risk buy down for reducible risk or margin protection for irreducible risk) need to appear in the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) as discrete activities and margin tasks in the same way any work activity does that deliver project outcomes.
With these risk mitigation activities in place, the next steps in building a risk-tolerant plan and schedule are:?
Building a Risk Tolerant schedule starts with understanding that the traditional approaches to planning described above, leave out of the plan the very elements needed for risk tolerance. These elements start with the identification and assessment of the project, product, and process states as part of the schedule.
Steps in Building a Risk Tolerant Plan
The result is a plan where risks and their mitigations are visible with risk ranking for each task delivering results for each Exit Criteria. Table 4 shows how uncalibrated ordinal scales can be defined for various risk domains. [ii]
Processes and Practices of Risk Management
“Risk monitoring is the process that systematically tracks and evaluates the performance of risk–handling actions against established metrics throughout the project and develops further risk–handling options, as appropriate. It feeds information back into the other risk management activities of planning, assessment, and handling.”[[i]]?
If monitoring is passive, then it is just a bookkeeping function. Proactive risk monitoring provides quantitative information to decision makers through variance in the Cost, Performance, Schedule, and changes in the risk analysis data. Earned Value provides cardinal values for Cost and Schedule (C-S) metrics. Technical Performance Measures provide cardinal values for Performance (P) metrics. The C-P-S cardinal values are the basis of a continuous risk management process by aligning risk reduction tasks with the Significant Accomplishments and their Exit Criteria.
These risk monitoring metrics provide adjustments to the risk handling strategy and the Risk Handling Plan and provide information to update the risk probability and risk consequence portion of the risk analysis.
Learning to create risk-tolerant schedules and managing the technical and programmatic risks created by uncertainties represented by this schedule is a professional practice. A high technology program manager once noted, “You can’t learn surgery from reading a book — you need to successfully complete a surgical residency.”?
No amount of attending seminars or reading books or articles (even these articles) will provide the solution to managing schedule risks. But there are two good starting points: Risk Management Guide for DoD Acquisition, Fifth Edition (Version 2.0), Department of Defense, Defense Acquisition University, June 2003, and Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, Edmund H. Conrow, AIAA Press, 2003.
These are recommended practicum guides. PMBOK?, while introductory in nature, does not provide an integrated approach to Cost, Performance, and Schedule risk management.?
There are other texts that should be on the shelf of any competent risk management professional, including Making Hard Decisions, 2nd Edition, Robert T. Clemen, Duxberry Press, 1996; Introduction to Statistical Decision Theory, John W. Pratt, Howard Raiffa and Robert Schlaifer, MIT Press, 1995; Quantitative Risk Analysis, David Vose, John Wiley and Sons, 2000; and Practical Risk Assessment for Project Management, Stephen Gray, John Wiley and Sons, 1995.
These all provide the basis for understanding the issues with traditional approaches to risk management and its flaws. The paper, “Building A Credible Performance Measurement Baseline,” in Measureable News, 2014.04 provides the mechanics for correcting these flaws.
Foot Notes
[i] PMBOK?, the British Standards Institute and the UK Institution of Civil Engineers as well as numerous internal risk management handbooks combine risk and opportunity into single assessment criteria. It could be argued that risk includes both opportunities and losses. However, there is rarely an opportunity without the possibility of loss. On the other hand, there is almost always a chance of loss without opportunity. The PMBOK approach changes the definition of risk: the potential for the realization of unwanted, negative consequences of an event. Opportunities are generally events that require intentional actions in order to achieve value. Risks are events that can be ignored. For a detailed discussion of this issue as well as a definitive presentation of risk management, see Appendix E, “Changing the Definition of Risk – Why Risk It?” Robert N. Charette, in Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, 2nd Edition, Edmund H. Conrow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Press, 2003.
[ii] “Distinguishing and integration aleatoric and epistemic variation in uncertainty quantification,” Kamaljit and Paul Dupuis, ESAIM: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis, Volume 47, Issue 3, Page 635- 662, 2013.
[iii] Department of Defense Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs, June 2015, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, Washington, D.C.
Project management consultant.
2 年Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, is a fascinating book through to the last couple of chapters -the author, Peter Bernstein and many others ended up in severe financial difficulties when the GFC trashed their 'portfolio mathematics'. To paraphrase Leibniz "the future is predictable, but only for the most part".