Building the Right Skincare Routine for You
Michelle Skelly
Anti-Aging Skincare Specialist - Helping people achieve healthy, youthful-looking skin through safe & effective skincare
Building the right skincare routine is important for maintaining healthy skin. We all have different skin. There are different skin types and conditions. Some people want to improve a particular problem while others just want to establish an effective skin maintenance routine. However, let's face it, a trip down the skincare aisle can make you dizzy, particularly when it comes to choosing the best products for your individual concerns and needs. All it takes to get it right is a little diligence…and a simple cleanse, tone, treat, and moisturize routine.
With an overwhelming number of skincare products on the market today, how do you choose the right ones for you? Products that deliver visible results by specifically targeting your individual skin type, conditions, and concerns? Knowing how to build a proper skincare routine will help you decide what to look for and purchase when you are faced with the thousands of different products on the market today.
Skin Type and Skin Conditions
Skin type refers to the skin characteristics you were born with. The amount of oil you produce, pore size, the degree to which your skin can pigment or burn, skin elasticity, how fast you wrinkle, sensitivity issues, how you scar, etc. These differences are due to genetics, your ethnicity, and race. Differences in skin are also due to age, your real age (how old you really are) compared to your environmental age (how old you actually look). The main point to consider is that different skin types have different needs and will respond to products depending on individual skin type and needs.
Skin conditions refers to the current state of your skin. Are you experiencing problems such as acne, blackheads, whiteheads, pitting of the skin, roughness, dry flaky skin, dark spots, brown patches, lightened areas, freckles, sun damage, redness, irritation, wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, or scarring? Skin conditions can change unlike skin type. Skin conditions fluctuate because of how you care for your skin (what you do to it or put on it), changes in your diet, health, exercise, medications, seasonal changes, and where you live. Skin conditions can change for better or worse.
For example, let's take a closer look at things to consider when purchasing exfoliation products based on skin type and conditions. When you remove dead skin, skin automatically looks brighter, feels smoother, is less clogged, and absorbs other products better. Take away dead skin build up and all skin will look better. However, there are plenty of individuals with bad experiences when using exfoliation products because the exfoliant they chose was not suitable for their skin type and conditions, they over used it, or used it incorrectly.
Choosing a Skincare Line
First, it's important to determine your skin type.
- Is your skin oily, dry, combination, or normal?
- Is your complexion fair, medium, or dark?
- Is your skin sensitive?
What conditions are you trying to correct or prevent? You may have more than one skin condition or issue, but it's best to target your issues one at a time.
- Do you want to get rid of acne, acne scars, rosacea, dark spots, melasma, or hyperpigmentation?
- Do you have fine lines and wrinkles?
- Do you have large pores?
- Do you suffer from blackheads and whiteheads?
- Does your skin burn easily?
Assess short-term and long-term effects when it comes to the skincare products you choose. Look for products that work well together with the right ingredients, in the right formulations, and in the right order for your skin type and conditions. Buy the basics, and then add on later as you start seeing results and your skin gets acclimated to the products. Start with a foam-free cleanser, toner, broad spectrum sunscreen, and moisturizer. Then add a gentle exfoliation product, serum, or other treatment a few weeks to a few months later, depending on how sensitive your skin is.
After you've made a decision to try a product or regimen, let your own experience guide you. You're the best judge on whether a product agrees with your skin since you live in it 24/7. You look in the mirror and can see the changes day by day. Do you like it? Does it feel good? Chances are you're going to stick with products that make your skin look and feel good. So find something that works best for YOU and where you're seeing results along the way. Remember though, consistency is key.
Looking for an effective skincare routine customized for your skin type and conditions? Take your free skin assessment here.