Building Richer Confidence
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Once upon a time, to unite and inspire used to be a “good thing” for leaders to do.? It was a nice thought… a “get around to”…? mom and apple pie stuff.? Hold hands.? Sing Kumbaya. That time is done.??
It is getting heavy out there.? The rules have all changed. They’re about to change again and going forward.??Change is consistently at the gate… change of the rules and even the game itself. Today’s unprecedented challenges in the world require a cool strength of Character, Purpose and Unity at school, work, business and community; a strong rudder, anchor and north star to navigate?and?create constructive change and true prosperity.??Forward together, stronger; all hands on deck, valued and valuable.? This is the deeper call at home, school, work, business and community.
I am a Strength Coach, Speaker and Educator helping nobilize leadership, mobilize mission and humanize culture. I teach, coach, mentor, sing, dance, cartoon, write, vlog, box and create to help advance Character, Purpose and Unity... as forces for leadership on the front lines.
What that means is that I address a kind of Confidence that provides that strong rudder, anchor and north star. My body of work is focused on this substantive expression and manifestation of Confidence in countenance and gait. It is my own best sense of Balance... in being and doing. Moving the needle on that kind of noble Confidence is my work and Service. So... I and we help you:
And, it begins and ends with that deeper, richer, truer Confidence.
An Idea on Confidence
This morning I posted on thoughts around ideation. That said, here is an idea. The practice of Character is a deeper, richer form of Confidence. It forges a Strength to walk through change, and create it... while holding a deeper composure and walking an assured step. It strengthens ourselves and inspires others in the best and most sustaining of ways.
My work is not around "tips" to "fake it 'til you make it". It is grounded and founded in exploring and advancing Character, Purpose and Unity as forces for a Confidence that is deep, rich and an example of the best kind of leadership and education, by example. And, we serve those educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders who seek to be that example and contribute to a better world and future at home, school, work, business and community... locally, globally and glocally. Helping to build a deeper, richer, truer Confidence; that be we.
Two Takeaways
Justice, Peace and Unity...
Here are some other offerings to possibly consider...