Building a Resilient Community: The Importance of Infrastructure Reliability
by Andrew Strong , Interim Environmental, Engineering, and Project Delivery Officer, Seattle City Light
In today’s interconnected world, the reliability of our electrical infrastructure is more important than ever. From adding line sensors to replacing aging wooden utility poles, laying new underground electrical cables, and installing new transformers, ensuring an uninterrupted power supply is about more than just keeping the lights on.
For us at Seattle City Light, it’s about fostering economic growth, supporting everyday needs, and preparing for future energy demands in an increasingly electrified world.? Our ongoing efforts to modernize and enhance the electrical grid ensure that we can continue to provide affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible energy services. To achieve this, we’re investing in and modernizing our aging infrastructure. ?
This is the first in a two-part blog series that will explore the steps we’re taking to ensure the reliability of our power grid and the benefits of these actions for you, our customers.
Why reliable infrastructure matters.
Reliable electrical infrastructure forms the backbone of any thriving community. It powers our homes, fuels our businesses, and keeps our critical services running smoothly. For City Light, reliability is more than a buzzword—it’s a core mission.
Here are several reasons why taking care of our infrastructure matters:
Addressing inflation and rising costs.
Maintaining and modernizing our infrastructure is no small feat. It involves replacing components that have reached the end of their useful life, a task complicated by rising costs. Inflation has significantly increased the price of construction materials, particularly electrical components. Here are some specific examples of price increases our utility has faced since just 2019:
Despite these financial challenges, we remain committed to our work. This investment is essential for maintaining the high standards of service our customers expect and deserve.
Why we need to modernize our infrastructure.
Modernizing our infrastructure means making the?power grid ready for change. Our infrastructure includes components that have outlived their usefulness, which can lead to more frequent power outages. By investing in the replacement and modernization of these components, we can enhance the overall reliability of our infrastructure.
Modernizing our infrastructure also means preparing for the future. With the increasing adoption of electric vehicles, more reliance on electricity for cooking, heating and cooling, and the push for greener energy solutions, our grid needs to be ready for future higher demands and new challenges. This adaptability will help us meet increasing electricity demands while improving security and resiliency from unpredictable impacts.
By providing this overview, we aim to reinforce our commitment to infrastructure reliability and engage you, our customers, with our ongoing efforts at City Light. Reliable infrastructure not only benefits individual customers but also supports the growth and resilience of our entire community.
In the second part of this series, we will highlight how City Light is ensuring the continued reliability of our infrastructure. From installing line sensors to preparing for electric buses, we’re taking proactive steps to stay ahead of increasing energy demands and climate change impacts. Stay tuned!
City Light is committed to creating a brighter, more sustainable future for everyone. Learn more about how we’re making sure our power grid is ready and reliable for years to come on our website.