Building Resilience: Learning from Children and Embracing Purpose

Building Resilience: Learning from Children and Embracing Purpose

Welcome to another edition of "Purpose with Myriem"!

Today, I would like to talk about the importance of developing resilience to deal with change. We are often amazed at how resilient children can be in the face of adversity and change. As adults, we may find ourselves struggling to cope with changes and difficulties that life throws at us. But why do we lose this resilience as we grow older, and how can we build it back up?

To explore this topic, I want to share the story of my lovely 7-year-old son, Noah, who has been dealing with a lot of change in a short amount of time. Noah lost his father, is moving to a new house, and starting a new school all in the span of three weeks. Despite these significant challenges, I have been impressed by how my son has been handling the situation.

As I gaze upon my son's radiant smile on his first day at his new school, my heart swells with admiration and wonder. Despite the weight of grief and the daunting prospect of change and uncertainty, he has found within himself the resilience and fortitude to push forward with a brave face. It is truly inspiring to see him tackle this new chapter in his life with such grace and courage. I am left in awe, wondering how he manages to navigate these challenging waters and emerge with a smile that shines like a star!

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It's easy to forget that children have a natural resilience that helps them cope with change and trauma. They often view life with amazement, exploring and discovering new things with a love for the world around them. As we grow older, we tend to take life more seriously, and we may become resistant to change, which can make it harder for us to adapt to new situations.

But how can we build resilience as adults? One way is by finding purpose in our lives. When we have a clear sense of purpose, it can give us the motivation and direction we need to navigate through difficult times. Purpose can help us stay focused on our goals and values, which can be a grounding force when everything else feels uncertain.

We can learn from children and approach life with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Embracing new experiences, trying new things, and seeing life through fresh eyes can help us find joy in the journey, even when the path is bumpy. By keeping a positive attitude, we can build our resilience and find the strength to overcome adversity.

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As you may be aware, I consistently contemplate the weekly Purpose topic within the framework of changing careers. Afterall, this newsletter is focused on leading a purpose-driven life and making a career transition.

So in the context of career change, building resilience is essential for navigating the ups and downs of the job market. Just as my son is dealing with significant changes in his life, many adults face the challenge of transitioning to a new career or adjusting to a new work environment.

Building resilience requires a willingness to learn new skills, adapt to new circumstances, and be open to new opportunities. Just as children approach the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity, adults can approach career change with a sense of excitement and possibility. By keeping a positive attitude and focusing on our purpose and values, we can build the resilience we need to thrive in our new career path.

So naturally, I ensured that the Purposeek Coaching life and career coaching program incorporates the vital aspect of building resilience during the ups and downs of a life and career change. In the same way that children approach the world with unbridled wonder and inquisitiveness, we too can embrace the prospect of a career shift with enthusiasm and optimism. By maintaining a positive mindset and concentrating on our purpose and values, we can develop the tenacity required to thrive in our new career path.

During the Purposeek Coaching life and career coaching program, we work on several techniques that can help build resilience during a life and career change. One of these techniques is fear setting, where we list our fears rather than our goals. This exercise helps us identify potential obstacles and overcome them by developing a plan to manage those fears.

We also focus on rewriting our life story and creating our own narrative, which can be a powerful tool for overcoming limiting beliefs. By changing the way we think and talk about ourselves and our experiences, we can reshape our mindset and become more resilient.

Another technique we use is mindfulness, which involves being present in the moment and non-judgmentally accepting our thoughts and emotions. This practice can help us regulate our emotions and reduce stress during challenging times, thereby increasing our resilience.

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To sum up, cultivating resilience is a crucial ability that we can develop and nurture in the face of uncertainty and difficulty. Sometimes, we need to tap into our inner child to remind ourselves that we have the capacity to conquer any obstacle and remain awestruck by the wonders of life, even amidst significant changes. By embracing our inner sense of wonder and staying optimistic about what the future holds, we can tackle any challenge that comes our way and emerge even stronger on the other side.

Thank you for being a part of the "Purpose with Myriem" community, and I look forward to exploring more topics related to purpose, career change, and well-being with you.

Sending you lots of love <3

Myriem Slater

Founder of Purposeek


