Building Resilience: The Importance of Exercising and Testing

Building Resilience: The Importance of Exercising and Testing

In recent years, the concept of operational resilience has become crucial for organisations. It is no longer sufficient for businesses to focus solely on profitability and growth; they must also ensure they can withstand and recover from disruptions, such as cyber-attacks, natural disasters, or other unforeseen crises. One of the most effective ways to build and maintain this resilience is through regular exercising and testing.

Operational resilience refers to an organisation's ability to continue delivering critical services in the face of adverse events. It encompasses the strategies, processes, and capabilities that enable a business to prevent, respond to, recover from, and learn from disruptions. However, like any skill, without practice—especially under pressure—the ability to perform when it matters most cannot be relied upon. Imagine if you only studied the theory of boxing and created fight plans on paper but never practiced in the ring. The first punch would likely cause panic, rendering all your plans useless and leading to a quick defeat.

Similarly, developing the capability to respond effectively to major incidents or crises requires more than just documented plans. Many organisations rely on their written plans, which often remain unused on a shelf until a crisis occurs. This approach is akin to the underprepared boxer; when the response doesn't go as planned, panic sets in, and the situation quickly deteriorates.

The past five years of global instability, pandemics, and extreme weather events have taught us several critical lessons:

  • Disruptions are inevitable: Constant incidents have led most organisations to acknowledge that disruptions are part of business. However, acknowledging this does not mean they effectively plan for them.
  • Each event presents unique challenges: No two crises are exactly alike. Plans based solely and rigidly on past events are unlikely to be affective. For example, COVID-19 plans may not be effective for future pandemics if they lack flexibility.
  • Prevention is limited: While organisations can do much to prevent incidents, globally impactful events are often beyond individual control. Therefore, limiting the impact through effective planning is crucial.

In an unpredictable world, operational resilience is not a luxury but a necessity. Regular exercising and testing are vital components of building this resilience. They help organisations prepare for the unexpected, ensuring continued operation and service to customers even during disruptions. By committing to regular exercises and rigorous testing, businesses can safeguard their operations, protect their reputation, and ensure long-term success.

Investing in resilience is investing in the future. Start exercising and testing your organisation’s resilience today to build a robust foundation for whatever challenges tomorrow may bring.

Ready to enhance your operational resilience? Partner with Frontier Risks to ensure your organisation can weather any storm. Our expert-led exercises and comprehensive testing services are designed to fortify your business against disruption. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a more resilient future.

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