Building Resilence: Navigating Life's Challenges
Christian Wasini (FMVA)? CFI
Accountant|Data Analyst| Financial Analyst
The world is in a constant state of flux. There are upheavals all over the place. There are geopolitical rivalries, economic upheavals pandemics, wars, etc at any given time in the world. We also have environmental issues which affect the way we live and the way we do business.
These changes in the world today create new threats and new opportunities alike. Everybody is affected - from individuals to businesses, nations, etc. We cannot stand aloof. We must respond to these changes in a way that minimizes the threats they pose and takes advantage of the new opportunities they throw up.
Challenges are everywhere. They come in different shapes and sizes. Some challenges are big and others small. They could be in the form of physical challenges, health challenges, financial challenges, challenges in your relationships, etc.
Everybody goes through challenges at one time or the other. From the day you were born till the day you leave this world, challenges are unending.
In this article, we'll be dealing with the issue of adversity and how we can deal with it. We'll be learning effective strategies on how to deal with adversity and come out stronger. We'll look at practical steps we can take to bounce back from failure and thrive in our ever-changing world.
The Quality of Resilience
In late 2019, I acquired seed funding to set up a food production business. I acquired the necessary facilities and equipment I needed, got the necessary regulatory approvals, and ordered my first batch of raw materials.
By the time the last machine was fabricated and about to be shipped and the raw materials were to be delivered, it was around March 2020 and the government imposed a national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Everything was halted and all my plans were thrown into disarray.
The lockdown was lifted in July I could receive my orders. By then, the country was in an economic crisis occasioned by the lockdown, the cost of everything from logistics to other inputs had increased and the purchasing power of customers had diminished. Over the following months, the economy never picked up to the previous level and inflation kept rising. All these factors contrived to ensure that the business failed within a year of operations.
It was a big disappointment as I had invested a lot into the venture. I decided to start up another business - this time a food production business which I did in 2021. Using the lessons I derived from the previous failure, I built a much more robust and successful business that's still thriving today.
The failure of my previous business is a classic example of how external circumstances can affect us as individuals, businesses, or even nations.
Following are some lessons and strategies I have since learned that you can apply to succeed and thrive in difficult times.
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from failure or defeat. It is the ability to recover from misfortune or adjust to change. It is a vital quality we all need in this increasingly complex and volatile world.
1. See adversity in its proper perspective
We are all tempted to blow our challenges out of proportion. We love to make it look like nobody understands what we went through or what we're going through. We unconsciously think that nobody has gone through what we went/are going through. We magnify our problems and make a mountain out of what is probably a molehill. We look at situations from the worst-case scenario.
You've got to see your problems with new glasses. It doesn't mean you should downplay or underestimate your challenges. What it means is that you detach your emotions from them and see your challenges as they are. Most times, you'll realize that they're not as bad as you originally thought they were.
Viewed from above, even the tallest skyscrapers look like small buildings. From outer space, even the earth looks like a small object. That's the power of perspective. See things as they are and all of a sudden things are not as bad as they seemed to be.
2. Develop an attitude of perseverance
Perseverance is the quality that allows you to keep on even when the going gets tough. It is the quality that enables one to press on in times of difficulty. It is a vital quality anybody who wants to succeed and thrive, especially in difficult times must possess.
You must make up your mind to outlast every storm and surmount every obstacle. Hold on, keep keeping on. Understand that nothing lasts forever. Life is in seasons and cycles. After winter comes summer and vice versa. After the night comes the day and vice versa. In the economic cycle, there are downturns and booms. No cycle is permanent - whether good or bad.
You must develop that toughness that enables you to power through difficulty without losing your head. Like Robert Schuller said, "Tough times don't last but tough people do." That's the quality winners possess - this never-say-die attitude. Champions in all fields - business, politics, sports, etc - understand that "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." You too must develop perseverance.
3. Grow through adversity
There's a saying that what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. While not always true, it is still true in certain contexts. Truth is that contained in every trial is wisdom that if extracted and ingested can help you make better decisions in subsequent situations.
No adversity leaves you the way it met you. It either crushes you or it makes you stronger. It usually depends on you and how you approach the situation. The same situation that destroys one person or organization is a springboard to another person or organization's greatness. Different strokes for different folks.
Maintain a journal where you record the lessons you learn in every challenge. Document them and apply them subsequently to similar situations. Properly and consistently done, you'll be prepared for any subsequent adversity. Each adversity you face will build your capacity to deal with the next one.
4. Fly With The Eagles
I always say that there are two types of people: eagles and chickens. Eagles are high flyers. Their abode is above. They soar above the storms. They can go through any situation and come out as winners.
Chickens on the other hand are surface dwellers. They make their home on the ground. They are always victims of circumstances and situations. They scurry and hide when the storm shows up. They are unable to rise above the challenges of life. They're cynics and complainers. They rather whine and complain about their problems than do anything to solve them.
Like sponges, we absorb the attitudes and mindsets of the people around us. Surround yourself with chickens and you'll be a chicken. Hang out with eagles and you'll make your abode in the clouds as you soar above the storms of life.
Losers are pessimists, they see the cloud behind every silver lining. Winners are positive-minded people, they see the silver lining behind every cloud. Be careful who you spend your time with.
Everybody in your life must do at least one of three things: they must refine, inspire, or challenge you. Limit your time with people who don't inspire you to be better than you are. In times of adversity especially, you need to avoid the toxicity of negative, pessimistic people. Instead, seek out winners who can support and encourage you.
5. Be Adaptable and Flexible
In nature, the only organisms that survive and thrive in any environment are those that are most adaptable to the changes in the environment. Those who are unable to adapt eventually go extinct.
You must be adaptable and you must be flexible. You cannot afford to be set in stone. You cannot afford to be static. Yesterday's solutions might not work for today's challenges. You can't keep still when everybody and everything else is moving. Eventually, you'll be left behind.
There's a saying that winners never quit and quitters never win. That's true but the biggest losers are those who never win and who also never quit. You've got to know when to change strategy. You have to know when to pivot. Sometimes you've got to know that you've come to a dead end, cut your losses, and move in another direction.
You can't remain in a loop perpetually. You can't stay in a wrong business that's destined to fail. Sometimes you've got to see the big picture and realize when to pull out from a relationship or venture. Retreat and redirection is a strategy. Sometimes winning demands that you retreat and change direction.
You must be optimistic that things will get better but you must also deal with the fact that sometimes some things get worse and you may need to change course. If you refuse to deal with this reality then you'll end up like somebody racing into a concrete wall at full speed. Adaptability and flexibility are a must if you must survive and thrive in changing times.
6. Think Outside The Box
As the world is changing, sometimes we encounter new situations for which we have no prior experience or frame of reference. We see new threats that neither we nor anybody else has encountered. We also come across opportunities that were not there before.
In times like this, we have to put aside our old lenses with which we see the world. Come up with new approaches to new challenges. What worked in the past may not necessarily work today. What works today may not necessarily work tomorrow.
Learn new things. Develop new skills. Open your mind to new ideas. Think differently. The key is to have an open mind. The greatest enemy of innovation is a fixed mindset.
7. Seek For Help
Nobody is an island. We're all meant to be social beings. We all need the help and support of other people as we navigate the uncertain and volatile terrains of life.
No situation is one of a kind. No challenge is unique. For every challenge or situation, thousands and millions of people have gone through the same challenge or difficulty. People have faced the same giants you face and they overcame. Seek them out, ask for their counsel, ingest their wisdom.
Take the risk of vulnerability. Don't be afraid of asking for the help and support of others when you need to. Don't be a one-person army who goes through life trying to navigate through life's challenges on your own.
Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness, it's a mark of strength. Only the truly secure can be vulnerable. Weak people are too insecure, trying to project an aura of strength rather than seek help. Don't be afraid to ask for help/support. When facing challenges, reach out to people who are capable of helping you.
1. Think through one challenge you faced of recent:
2. Identify three people in your life that you can go to when you're in trouble for help/support
you must survive and thrive in changing times.