Building a Real-Time Event-Driven Application with Node.js and Apache Kafka on Heroku.

Building a Real-Time Event-Driven Application with Node.js and Apache Kafka on Heroku.

Hello Everyone

Mad Scientist Fidel Vetino here to walk you through on building a simple event-driven application with Kafka on Heroku

I will dive in building, deploying, and managing a real-time event-driven application using Node.js and Apache Kafka on Heroku. Each phase includes detailed explanations of the purpose of the steps and all the necessary code.

Project Overview

We'll simulate weather sensors (producers) generating random data (temperature, humidity, barometric pressure) and sending these events to Apache Kafka. A consumer will listen to these topics and log the received data. The entire setup will be deployed to Heroku, where we'll monitor events using Heroku logs.


  • Heroku Account: Sign up at Heroku.
  • Heroku CLI: Download and install the Heroku CLI.
  • Node.js: Install Node.js (v20.9.0) and npm (v10.4.0) on your local machine.
  • GitHub Repository: Clone the project codebase from this GitHub repository.

Setting Up a Kafka Cluster on Heroku

Step 1: Log in via the Heroku CLI

Purpose: Authenticate your local Heroku CLI with your Heroku account.

Open your terminal and log in to Heroku:


heroku login        

Step 2: Create a Heroku Application

Purpose: Create a new Heroku application to host your project.

Create a new Heroku app:


heroku create weather-eda        

You can choose a unique name for your app.

Step 3: Add the Apache Kafka on Heroku Add-On

Purpose: Provision a Kafka instance as a service on Heroku.

Add Apache Kafka to your Heroku app:


heroku addons:create heroku-kafka:basic-0        

Step 4: Get Kafka Credentials and Configurations

Purpose: Retrieve the necessary Kafka credentials and configuration details for your application.

Fetch your Kafka credentials and configurations:


heroku kafka:topics        

Step 5: Install the Kafka Plugin Into the Heroku CLI

Purpose: Install the Kafka plugin to interact with Kafka through the Heroku CLI.

Install the Kafka CLI plugin:


heroku plugins:install heroku-kafka

Step 6: Test Interacting With the Cluster

Purpose: Ensure that you can produce and consume messages in Kafka.

Create a test topic:


heroku kafka:topics:create test-topic

Produce an event to the test topic:


echo "Test Message" | heroku kafka:topics:produce test-topic

Consume the event:


heroku kafka:topics:tail test-topic        

Destroy the test topic:


heroku kafka:topics:destroy test-topic        

Prepare Kafka for Our Application

Purpose: Create the Kafka topic that your application will use.

Prepare Kafka by creating the necessary topics for your application:


heroku kafka:topics:create weather-data        

Build the Node.js Application

Step 1: Set Up the Project

Purpose: Initialize a new Node.js project.

Initialize a new Node.js project:


mkdir weather-eda
cd weather-eda
npm init -y

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Purpose: Install the necessary libraries for Kafka integration.

Install the KafkaJS library:


npm install kafkajs

Step 3: Create the Producer

Purpose: Set up a producer to generate and send weather data to Kafka.

Create a file named producer.js:


const { Kafka } = require('kafkajs');

// Kafka configuration
const kafka = new Kafka({
  clientId: 'weather-producer',
  brokers: ['<KAFKA_BROKER_URL>']

const producer = kafka.producer();

// Produce random weather data
const run = async () => {
  await producer.connect();
  setInterval(async () => {
    const data = {
      temperature: Math.random() * 100,
      humidity: Math.random() * 100,
      pressure: Math.random() * 1000,
    await producer.send({
      topic: 'weather-data',
      messages: [{ value: JSON.stringify(data) }],
    console.log('Produced data:', data);
  }, 5000);


Step 4: Create the Consumer

Purpose: Set up a consumer to listen for and log weather data from Kafka.

Create a file named consumer.js:


const { Kafka } = require('kafkajs');

// Kafka configuration
const kafka = new Kafka({
  clientId: 'weather-consumer',
  brokers: ['<KAFKA_BROKER_URL>']

const consumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'weather-group' });

// Consume weather data
const run = async () => {
  await consumer.connect();
  await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'weather-data', fromBeginning: true });
    eachMessage: async ({ topic, partition, message }) => {
      console.log('Consumed data:', message.value.toString());


Step 5: Define Processes in Procfile

Purpose: Define the processes to be managed by Heroku.

Create a Procfile in the project root:


web: node producer.js
worker: node consumer.js        

Step 6: Deploy and Test the Application

Purpose: Deploy your application to Heroku and ensure it functions as expected.

Deploy the application to Heroku:


git init
heroku git:remote -a weather-eda
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push heroku master

Scale the application to run the consumer:


heroku ps:scale worker=1

Monitor the events using Heroku logs:


heroku logs --tail

Through this project, you've learned how to set up a Kafka cluster on Heroku, build a Node.js application to produce and consume events, and deploy the entire setup to Heroku. This architecture allows for real-time data processing and easy scalability, showcasing the power of event-driven architectures. With this foundation, you're now equipped to explore more complex use cases and further enhance your applications with Apache Kafka and Heroku. Happy coding and innovating!

Fidel V (the Mad Scientist)

Project Engineer || Solution Architect || Technical Advisor

Security ? AI ? Systems ? Cloud ? Software







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