Building in Public 10# August
Gon?alo Sequeira ??
CEO @ Hiire - Helping Companies Hire the Talent They Dream | Content Creator & LinkedIn Top Voice | Speaker & Investor
Summer is ending and we already miss it! But we are fresher than ever for this next chapter of our journey.?
This month was exciting, we took a moment to review our strategies and implement them, as well as bring to life new content to new platforms like Instagram and TikTok. We’ll be present there and work on new formats to reach other audiences.?
Make sure you keep up with us there!
Tiktok:? @Goncalo_hiire
This is also our 1st newsletter that is sponsored by Borja on Stocks ! find out more about our amazing first sponsor later on.?
These were some of the activities we did during the month of August. Let’s review how our business is going?
And these were some of the progress we had in our business:?
CLIENT #1 Paynest - After a very promising candidate in the final stage didn’t move forward, we reshaped the profile and decided to adjust a couple of requirements. We are already having results and a few interviews aligned as we speak! We are looking for React Native developers for them.?
CLIENT #2 Velocix - We continue our partnership with Velocix and we were able to close 2 roles during August.?
CLIENT #3 NOS - We started to work with them this month, It’s early on in the collaboration, we are meeting with the first hiring managers, getting to know the culture and starting to do the first interviews. September will be promising.?
CLIENT #4 & 5 - Meta View & Ruby Hotels - Besides recruitment, we started with those 2 collaborations.? Metaview is a very promising software company in the HR industry, We are already using their product and it helps us to maintain our focus.?
On the other hand, we were lucky to visit Ruby Hotels and coworking space in August and have a very fantastic experience working in their space.?
Career Advisory.
People still search for new jobs during the summer and we onboard 3 new clients. We are working on improving the current program and giving the best experience to all the clients so stay tuned for new things coming up.?
Our sponsor is helping to solve a big problem in Portugal: Financial Literacy.?
If you want to be free and manage your investments better, you need to check out their course:
Yes, we are launching a podcast in September! (I told you we had news last month) and we need your help to choose our image, please vote:
If you came here and are wondering about our new job positions, you can check our website:
If you enjoy reading this newsletter we invite you to keep up with our journey of building an HR Agency in public. We are looking forward to reaching out to people interested in this, so if you know someone who would love to know about this, share it with them!
Are you curious about any topic? Feel free to comment.
See you next month!
CEO @ Hiire