Building a POC application with Next.js, choosing Vercel vs. Cloudflare - Part 3
Welcome to Part 3.
You may recall in Part 1, that deploying and hosting my POC was a part of the fundamentals. There are a couple of major reasons for this;
You may also recall from Part 2, I said "Off I went to the Cloudflare Dashboard", but first, a little history and context.
Introducing the contenders
I have long being a huge advocate for Cloudflare , as a security and acceleration platform it is brilliant and streets ahead of the competition in CDN, WAF, Zero-trust etc. Now, they have a product called Cloudflare Pages, and it offers;
And it works, it really does.
In the last 5 months have hosted several simple marketing websites on Cloudflare Pages, they were built using relatively vanilla Gulp, HTML, CSS and JS, but they were not complex Next.js apps.
No API's, databases, or JavaScript frameworks.
Cloudflare's incredible network, combined with clean code means sites have achieved A scores for Core Web Vitals around the world.
You honestly cannot fault it.
Who is the other contender then?
In the documentation and starter guides for Next.js it is entirely fair that Vercel is mentioned heavily. They offer a "one-click" deploy experience for many of the samples and a freemium style model is in place, with the Vercel Hobby edition being very usable. Checkout pricing and features here.
It is fair to say that I am being heavily influenced to deploy on Vercel at this point. But as with many things in life, we tend to gravitate to things that we know, things that work and have had positive experiences with in the past.
I have also had success with Azure Web Apps and Static Web Apps, but I specifically wanted to stay away from Azure in this exercise.
So, history and context aside, I ignored Vercel's marketing team and off to Cloudflare Dashboard I went.
For the purposes of fairness, I am very confident that both Cloudflare and Vercel can deliver an outstanding experience. Feature rich, enterprise-capable and with their own unique pros and cons. This is not designed to be a traditional "shoot out", where I declare one is better than the other.
I couldn't do this anyway, as I would need detailed real-world production level experience to accurately do this, something I don't have in both, yet. You are welcome to share your experiences in the comments.
Welcome to a world of pain
As I started in the Cloudflare Dashboard, you are presented a very simple UX;
When you click on "Connect to Git", you are presented with another very simple UX, and because I have already connected my GitHub account to Cloudflare, it allows me to quickly choose a repository. If you haven't, it takes less than 2 minutes to connect your GitHub account.
Note: if you connect and cannot see your repos, you may need to head to GitHub and allow Cloudflare to see all repos. This caught me out.
As you keep going, Cloudflare gives you the option to choose a Framework preset, add your environment variables then hit "Save and Deploy".
Once you have gone past this stage, you are taken to the very slick Deployments screen, and here you will watch your application come to life.
As you can see from the screenshot above, the connection times and repo clones were very fast, I could see the output and logs on the screen.
So far. So good.
On no, I spoke too soon.
At this point I encountered a raft of errors.
In fairness, these were arguably my fault. In short, I didn't RTFM.
JavaScript based, headless development suffers from a major issue.
Stuff improves and releases all the time! Monthly, even Weekly. For example, in 36 months Node.js has gone from v14 to v19.
Quite the paradox that in years past we complained about software giants like Microsoft taking too long between .NET versions and now we are arguably complaining that they are too fast.
I struggled to find a meme for this one.
Back to the problem at hand
Cloudflare was doing its best here and the error logging was clean and easy to access, so I started troubleshooting and had to fix;
I got through most major issues, which in reality came down to one big factor, Cloudflare Pages does actually support Node.js v18.
This took me a while to work out, as a novice in this space, I am not intimate with the overall dependancies here. The Starter Kit, my local machine and all the documentation has assumed I'm running Node.js v18. At this point I had pretty much downgraded most things, but as above, I was blissfully unaware of what impact this would have on the app.
Surely you could live with the downgrade?
Well, yes, in theory.
But let's get back to the POC fundamentals of "configuration over code", "seamless deployment process" etc. Every modification I needed to do here was a step away from this mantra and as an amateur here, I was loathe to go deeper.
So I got through most of these issues and moved onto the final boss error.
"The following functions were not configured to run with the Edge Runtime"
At this point Cloudflare was very helpful, they offered 3 potential solves, which were links to documentation on the Next.js website. But at this point, I was a few hours in to Cloudflare, getting a bit hangry and honestly did not want to go down the route of getting lost in heaps more documentation. Don't forget I had already modified the app with unknown consequences to get to here.
So I did the following;
Where to from here
I came back determined to solve this, but the pragmatist in me couldn't help ignore the "Deploy this on Vercel" messages throughout the documentation. I was starting to feel guilt, how could I leave Cloudflare at this point.
Well I had to, my skills and time (which is more important), weren't in a position to negotiate and I needed to finish this part of the journey.
"Vercel has entered the chat"
With a reluctant spring in my step, I headed over to the Vercel website.
I was lured into creating a Pro Trial, free for 14 days, I am not sure if I just missed the "choose Hobby edition", or it's just good marketing, but I was signed up, fast.
Very similar (uncannily similar) to the Cloudflare UX;
Note: I did revert my branch back quite a few commits (Node 18 etc.).
Only this time, in 1m and 34 secs I had a green build. It produced a temp URL based on the project name and showed a working app in my browser.
Incredible, well almost.
From this point on I had a very seamless experience, the Starter Kit app I was using is actually quite complex and in order for it to work, it needs a few subdomains to access different parts of the functionality.
Vercel offers a URL for your project, but it doesn't support wildcarding with it, which is understandable. So I;
And... Voila.
My app was ready, in the cloud on Vercel.
So what was different?
Now, at this point I honestly had no idea why it "just worked".
The support for Node 18 is likely a big factor, this removed a heap of issues.
But after spending some time delving into the Cloudflare documentation it was a much bigger issue. Namely the no support for Serverless Functions and the different approach Cloudflare takes to API routes.
I cannot tell you what exact code translates to which missing feature, honestly, because I don't have the time to try and work it out. I am against the clock and under POC rules, I had met most of my goals. I would put a note in my project write up that this should be investigated and feasibility checked the future.
You can checkout the following articles for more information;
Another major issue which would have precluded me from running this Starter Kit, is no support for Wildcard domains, even custom ones. Now I didn't get this far with Cloudflare and only discovered it when compiling this article.
Where did I finish up?
Once I had lost some time crying over not being able to use Cloudflare, I was able to develop more features and add some more components, aside from a couple of build failures, I continued to deploy many times, very quickly.
Just look at the speed of compilation-to-deploy from check in. Whilst my app is relatively small, I come from a world of .NET where the build alone, can take significantly longer. I know its "not the same", but these things are markers of the overall long term developer experience, which if you recall is a part of the POC.
With my investment in this POC so far, I am really excited about Next.js.
Although the decision to deploy on Vercel was somewhat forced on me, in time, I would ask a competent developer, to revisit Cloudflare Pages to understand if it is the better option, but for now, I will stick with Vercel.
I have tried to summarise some final points;
Headless and MACH architecture decisions are vast, complicated and this is reflected in the State of JS 2022 report. The biggest pain point they cite is Code Architecture, and I can agree, although interestingly whilst this report cites Build Tools as a major issue, it doesn't talk about hosting specifically.
Hopefully from this series, you can appreciate the value I hold in rapid prototyping, and you may have learnt from an novice like me, how I approach POC's with the outcome of proving theories and educating myself to have better conversations with professional solution architects and senior developers when helping them achieve goals.
Thank you.
All feedback, questions and comments welcome.
Try ‘npm create cloudflare’